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    Thanks! I have had to really avoid TS because I know I would have the same response with chicks! I actually ordered feed and treats on Amazon just so that I wouldn't come home with any new chicks :) The warm weather is deceiving...
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    They are home! Picked up our Coronation Sussex today and they are doing great so far. I am keeping them separate initially in their own run, but my other chickens free range so there has been a lot of checking each other out. They were both easy to handle and seem friendly, but I'm trying to...
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    Two more days until I get these two!
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    That makes a lot of sense. Hopefully my fall chicks will be great layers in the Spring!
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    A breeder in Northeast Colorado. They are breeding Coronation Sussex and Black and Blue Copper Marans. If all goes well I might need to ger some Marans from them in the Spring ;)
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    Just wanted to share my excitement, one more week until my pair of Coronation Sussex arrive! Spent the day preparing their seperate run and coop and everything looks comfy. I'll post pics soon :)
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    Those are beautiful! Can't wait for the day we have multiple eggs :) We still only have 1 girl laying, but luckily her eggs are getting bigger. First egg and 7th egg...
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    Just wanted to share some recent pics! [/IMG][/IMG][/IMG][/IMG]
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    So the day after I received chicks from My Pet Chicken I was at Tractor Supply and they had chicks. Couldn't resist picking up one more (we don't have any EE!) She was supposedly only two days younger than my other chicks. Well they have all grown a ton and are doing great, but Matilda is still...
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    If we do get one I would wait until next year, sorry. I'm in my first year of chickens and want to keep things calm and easy for awhile :)
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    I would love a rooster, but have stuck with hens because I have 3 young kiddos that love the chickens. Anyone comfortable with their rooster around kids?
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    Thank you all for your responses! Both sides of our yard are lined with small sprucelike trees that the chickens like to hang out under. And in the back they hang out under our deck in the shade when it's hot. They run like crazy at the slightest noise (cars driving by) so their flight response...
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    As of right now I'm just excited that we eventually won't have to buy eggs at the store! Do colored eggs actually taste different, or do people prefer the way they look? So far our main predator worries are coming from the sky. One of our chickens was we think taken by an owl. Just vanished...
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    Ohh good, one of my current pullets is a Black Sex Link (most mellow of the 3,) and I ordered a female Barred Rock, Buff Orpington,Austrolorp, White Plymouth Rock, and a Golden Buff. Hopefully they will all do well together! Maybe I'll put Welsummer's on my wish list ;) BTW my husband thinks...
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