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  1. mdoerge


    Thanks everyone. You've given me a lot of great info. I'm leaning towards the Australorp.
  2. mdoerge


    Okay - I'm really new to this Are "Hamps" New Hampshire Reds? How about "Rocks" - Are you referring to Barred Plymouth Rocks, Partridge Plymouth Rocks, White Plymouth Rocks (I'm looking through my catalog) or others? The blurb in the catalog says that they are broody "infrequently." Is that...
  3. mdoerge


    I appreciate the feedback. I have four kids, so a good disposition is high on my list. Does anyone have any suggestions about a breed that would be a better choice?
  4. mdoerge


    I am looking to add to my chicken family (a real shocker to all of you chicken people!). I have Golden Buffs and a Black Star (all pullets I was told). I would like to have a rooster and a couple of broody hens in order to raise my own chicks. I was looking through the Meyer catalog (I live...
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