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    Strange beak w/other symptoms UPDATED WITH PIC Pg. 2

    Thank you, I'm kinda glad it happened earlier than later. I really didn't think she could survive the winters out here. She was a real trooper though.

    Strange beak w/other symptoms UPDATED WITH PIC Pg. 2

    Beaky died this afternoon. It was just a matter of time. She went peacefully sleeping. She was half the size of the others and was not progressing at all. I'll miss her following me around and running then stopping right on my foot to pick her up.

    Strange beak w/other symptoms UPDATED WITH PIC Pg. 2

    Yup, it does look that way. The funny thing is that when she eats that bump goes in and out like 1/4 inch. Very weird looking, kinda looks like a beak.

    Strange beak w/other symptoms UPDATED WITH PIC Pg. 2

    I haven't given her yogurt yet. I'll see how she does with it. Can we give them instant oatmeal?

    Strange beak w/other symptoms UPDATED WITH PIC Pg. 2

    She doesn't have much of the symptoms listed, although she has the larger top beak and but she doesn't squat much, if anything, she sleeps standing up. Her beak doesn't bend. She used to be the same size as the others but now she's smaller probably because of food intake. But I'm wondering if...

    Strange beak w/other symptoms UPDATED WITH PIC Pg. 2

    Don't think she's gonna make it. She's not growing as much as the others anymore. Her top beak keeps growing and her bottom is staying the same. Can't cut it because it will affect her nose area. Today, she seemed tired. Tonight when I was putting her to bed she stretched out like gasping...

    Strange beak w/other symptoms UPDATED WITH PIC Pg. 2

    I'm constantly keeping an eye on her. I think I'll try to trim her beak but I'll definitely get some styptic powder first. I would hate for her to bleed or her to move while I'm trimming. It's scary because I'm a newbie at raising chickens. I do see that when she eats the bumps moves out...

    Strange beak w/other symptoms UPDATED WITH PIC Pg. 2

    She is a tad lighter than the others but she eats and drinks. She seems to be always at the feeder getting food.

    Strange beak w/other symptoms UPDATED WITH PIC Pg. 2

    How do you file down their beak without hurting them?

    Strange beak w/other symptoms UPDATED WITH PIC Pg. 2

    She did pretty good. I put her outside and she's more alert and very daring than the others. She's still able to eat and drink. She doesn't sleep as much as she used too. She still falls asleep if I pick her up and put her back on my palm. The bump doesn't seem that big (maybe a bit more...

    Strange beak w/other symptoms UPDATED WITH PIC Pg. 2

    I hope she does good, sometimes I think she's giving up but before you know it she's full of energy and eats and drinks. I keep thinking that as she grows the problem will get less of a problem.

    Strange beak w/other symptoms UPDATED WITH PIC Pg. 2

    I'm not giving vitamins in the water but I'll go get some. I'll check with my local stores. Thanks, at least it's a step.

    Strange beak w/other symptoms UPDATED WITH PIC Pg. 2

    She's been like this. I never noticed it before only as she's getting bigger it's more of a problem. No vet close by. I mean, I could take her to someone that has chickens and they might know but alot of people out here just let their chickens be, live or die, not that caring, they just get...

    Strange beak w/other symptoms UPDATED WITH PIC Pg. 2

    actually it's a hard piece of mass. When she opens her mouth to eat and drink, she moves her bottom beak with the mass. It's kinda hard to describe but she always looks likes she having difficulty eating but she still eats. Her bottom beak doesn't even fill in the top's width, if you know...

    Strange beak w/other symptoms UPDATED WITH PIC Pg. 2

    Here is the pic. She just finished drinking water so the feathers are matted down, so you can see the bump better. She chirps and sleeps alot and not sure what to do. When she swallows or eats, it looks like the bump moves with every swallow. Seeming weird looking. The other ones pick her...

    Strange beak w/other symptoms UPDATED WITH PIC Pg. 2

    I'm noticing that this chick sleeps standing up and now has a small bump underneath the bottom beak. Is she getting sick or is she sick? What can I do?

    Strange beak w/other symptoms UPDATED WITH PIC Pg. 2

    I do think that the top beak grew too much. She is kinda bigger than the others, not sure if that helps. She seems like she eats plenty. Will they grind down their beak by themselves? She is only 2 weeks old, so not sure if she'll know
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