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  1. dportfamfarm

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    I need some help!! We have 6 happy hens and 2 pekin ducks. Our coop is set back a good 265 feet from our house, we have no running water in our coop and no electricity (we put up solar panels for a light but no luck). My problem is carting my water to my coop every other day on the tractor, the...
  2. dportfamfarm

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    What age dis ahe start to lay?
  3. dportfamfarm

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Not sure on her age, my male is about 20-24 weeks andwould say shes about the same
  4. dportfamfarm

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Ive been gone for a while but finally have a million questions!!! My duck has started laying.. Found 7 egga, aparantally she likes to hide them.. Next question.. What kind of chicken does this look like? Brown egg layer or white? And one more.. So i have 5 chickens that all look alike...
  5. dportfamfarm

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Good news!! Finally got the letter from the Department of Agriculture, a copy was also sent to the two surrounding city hall offices!!! We also moved our chicks out to our duck coop, they are getting along so well!!! Now.. My isssue. I am thinking about winter, yes I know, its July, buy we dont...
  6. dportfamfarm

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Last night a coon got one of our 2 pekin ducks. We (hubby,and two boys aged 5 and 2 and myself) were taking a female pekin out to the coop and hubby says hes not liking what he sees.. Meaning our ducks were always together and he only seen one. And im not going into details, but we told the kids...
  7. dportfamfarm

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Good news, poopy butt chick, is doing lots better!!!! (I spent a good 5 hourd in the hospital for a 2 minute procedure!!!!! Its going to be a long 2-5 week recovery) i have been keeping an eye on poopy butt, and have been running vent under the sink for a while and finally got ahuge poop out...
  8. dportfamfarm

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Would the other chicks know if something is wrong with it? It is always segrated from the others
  9. dportfamfarm

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Just put some yogurt like on a plate and let him eat? Plus its like hes constipated.. Any advise on that? Should he be seperated from tge group?
  10. dportfamfarm

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    I did my "helper" two year old threw it away. This is as clean as i could get it. (I have a infection and have surgery in the morning)
  11. dportfamfarm

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Got when was a 'day old' a week and a half ago. Theres 6 total, this one is the only one with it. They are eating dumar chick starter, same as what they were fed from where i bought them. In process of cleaning re photographing
  12. dportfamfarm

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Advise!!! What should i do to get rid of this? (See picture)its been 2 days and im cleaning his/her bum several times a day by running under warm water and also using a qtip soaked in water and gently letting it kind of moisten the area. Its almost like he/she is constipated! It will stick its...
  13. dportfamfarm

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    When should I introduce my chicks to scratch, grit and dust baths? And are these things i can make at home easily or are they best to be bought? Im getting supplies for my nesting boxes today. Also what should I sprinkle on my outside run for house flies (the run is just grass and dirt and 2 ducks)
  14. dportfamfarm

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    His are straight run unfortunately... I think i might head out there next week and pick up a pair, mine are roughly 7 weeks old. I would love the idea of hatching some ducklings!!!!! Plus i am hearing how duck eggs are great tasting ro bake with! Where abouts are you located? Columbaville is...
  15. dportfamfarm

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    By luck of the draw, i got 2 male pekin ducks. May be getting my hands on a pair of KC ducks and indian runners, but dont know the sex. There is a hatchery/feed store that sells them in columbiaville, duck n coop its called. Hope this helps. If you have any luck, let me know, saginaw/zikwaukee...
  16. dportfamfarm

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Got some fuzz balls today! Its blurry but i have 6. Barred rock i guess, the woman didnt know the turkeys from chicks, and said she had chicken, pullets and ducks (were turkey)
  17. dportfamfarm

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    2 pekin ducks, thats it for now,hoping to travel to corunna to FFH and get some chicks this week or early next week. Do your ducks and chicks live in the same coop?
  18. dportfamfarm

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Thats what i had but my ducks would knock it down and I have a 2 year old that follows me everywhere so it cut down on my haul. It was easy to make, its just the 5 gallon jug with a pvc pipe that holds it up and a bucket with holes cut out. My ducks love it, i put lettuce or other treats in the...
  19. dportfamfarm

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    My husband make a waterer and its mess free!!! Also made a feeder in a 'L' shape out of pvc pipe. I walk out several times a day to check on them since they are about 300' back from our house. But now im not lugging water and food every day!
  20. dportfamfarm

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    The RTFA in my understanding would basically void out your local code in regarda to livestock. If you are zoned as residential and your local government doesnt permit livestock and you meet the criteria, the department of agriculture can put a letter together and send to your local government...
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