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  1. erinszoo

    The Chicken Plucker?

    It doesn't really smell unless you do it when it's hot out and then only if you leave the innards in the sun. No we don't use lime at all. We bleed the chickens into a bucket lined with a trash can liner and put all the innards we don't want into it as well. Anything we do want goes into a bowl...
  2. erinszoo

    The Chicken Plucker?

    We try to do about five birds at a time ... and yes it's kind of a mess but I don't know how to get around that. I keep a bowl of water nearby to rinse my ringers in when they get too feathery as I'm plucking. If you're doing it alone, try to rig up something to hang the birds from to hold it...
  3. erinszoo

    The Chicken Plucker?

    We don't have one but we pluck our own chickens by hand. My daughter and I can do a bird in less than 20 minutes. There are probably others on this site who have used a plucker. You might want to post in the meat bird forum as they talk about processing birds a lot. Also if you've ever seen a...
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