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  1. Aschenfire

    someone's second hand smoke.and my baby

    Exactly. Their yard, their property. I think all the responsibility falls on the parents to keep the "clouds of smoke" from filling their house, not the neighbor who is using his or her yard as they are allowed to by law.
  2. Aschenfire

    someone's second hand smoke.and my baby

    I get the gut feeling that the OP feels a bit...entitled .... to a perfect, germless, odor-free, sunshiney world for her baby. My reply was really not stating that you mentioned laws, it was speculating that she seems to think it is her right to insist her neighbors bend to her will because they...
  3. Aschenfire

    someone's second hand smoke.and my baby

    I would be P.O'ed if I were in my own yard smoking or whatever, and an irate neighbor came over to harass me about using my own yard. If they are quiet, and not actively blowing smoke right into her windows, they are breaking no laws.
  4. Aschenfire

    someone's second hand smoke.and my baby

    Your story changed as this thread grew. A few posts back you had no idea WHAT neighbor was smoking and you were just going to knock on doors to find out who the offender was. Now you say it's someone "10 feet from the baby's room". I think you smell a little smoke once in a while and the...
  5. Aschenfire

    someone's second hand smoke.and my baby

    I am pretty sure that it is NOT illegal in any state for someone to smoke on their own property. And are the houses really that close that they are "10 feet from your window"?? I'd look into air conditioning, as others have mentioned, as it sounds like your current cooling system is pulling in a...
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