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  1. dewey

    someone's second hand smoke.and my baby

    Quote: Quote: Our kids are very close in age. The world sure is a different place even from those times, eh?
  2. dewey

    someone's second hand smoke.and my baby

    Quote: Quote: Since even several powerful fans wouldn't overcome the strong breeze that blows there, them moving to a different corner of the yard, even if they were willing to, probably wouldn't help either. A new stressed out nursing mom is not a very happy environment for mom or...
  3. dewey

    someone's second hand smoke.and my baby

    Gosh, I dunno what might help in that situation. Unfortunately, the air we all have to breath is laden with all kinds of dangerous elements that we can't really even smell. It won't stop anything else from getting in, but maybe try outside fans blowing in the neighbor's direction to cut down...
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