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  1. MarinR

    Merging two flocks - looking for tips

    Update: Both flocks are living peacefully together in the big coop! :D I continued to let them free range for a few hours before bed every day for another week or so and then one night, I just closed the tractor coop. They were definitely confused, and ran around the thing in circles for a...
  2. MarinR

    Merging two flocks - looking for tips

    That's a really interesting strategy. Things are going very smoothly for now with the sharing of the yard during the day and sleeping in their regular coops at night... No real fights to speak of. Just a the occasional peck here and there. Still wondering what will happen as the cockerels...
  3. MarinR

    Merging two flocks - looking for tips

    Thanks! I actually decided about 20 minutes or so before they usually turn in for the night, that I would go out and let them snack on some scratch together. It went really well! Hardly any pecking at all, which was great. And at about 7:00 on the dot, they all went to their respective...
  4. MarinR

    Merging two flocks - looking for tips

    I had read that too.... do you know what age they typically catch up in size? I was told about 10 weeks by one person. And like I said, they're close right now. Just wondering how much longer I should wait.
  5. MarinR

    Merging two flocks - looking for tips

    I have two small flocks I'm working towards merging together. The older flock has 6 hens, not quite laying age (about 19 weeks right now) and one very sweet rooster, a blrw. The younger flock has one blue cochin rooster (about 10 weeks old and definitely the boss) and 4 hens, about 12-14 weeks...
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