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    Pullet or Roo? Buff Orp. 7 weeks old.

    We'll see. But it looks like most of my BO's don't like to be handled. Not sure if it's the age. I thought my Bard Rocks would be that way but they cuddle with me. My BR's listen to me but the BO's don't. The BR's are 2 weeks older than the BO's. Needless to say, it's hard to get the BO...

    Pullet or Roo? Buff Orp. 7 weeks old.

    Yup, don't you just hate that. Although he's looking cuter with the red comb. We'll see when he becomes aggressive, if he'll still be cute in my eyes.

    Pullet or Roo? Buff Orp. 7 weeks old.

    My daughter started calling him Lilo, I call him little roo roo. I think I'm getting another roo in my Light Brahma crew. Oh my!

    Pullet or Roo? Buff Orp. 7 weeks old.

    oh my...didn't really want a roo, well lets see how it is. Although my daughter said "after we saved him, we can't eat him" which is true. Thanks to all

    Pullet or Roo? Buff Orp. 7 weeks old.

    I had this chick and I saved her life, now it's looking like it might be a roo. All the others looks like the one on the right. Lily on the left, was developing slower than the others and used to have a limp and sleep alot. She's all better but she's still smaller than the others, although...
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