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  1. Nancygardens

    Who's Hatching eggs this week? 9-9

    So cute! Way to go. Nothing yet here. So I've got some leads on hens to buy. Thanks for the input. This is a failed hatch. got hens to pick up this evening. I'll buy chicks next time. Will not try this again unless I have a bator. When we did the egg-topsy none were fertile.
  2. Nancygardens

    Who's Hatching eggs this week? 9-9

    Nothing yet here I'm bummed! This should be the first day some might have hatched. I'm not giving up however.
  3. Nancygardens

    Who's Hatching eggs this week? 9-9

    Tonight we candle the eggs for the last time. Then the last two days of turning eggs. Can't wait!
  4. Nancygardens

    Who's Hatching eggs this week? 9-9

    This is the last week excited to see what happens! Working on the chicken run while waiting for the egg hatch has been fun for the most part nearly done with painting and the netting aka chicken wire goes on next we got the 1" size. Some 1/4" mesh [rabbit wire] for upper areas. I have the chick...
  5. Nancygardens

    Who's Hatching eggs this week? 9-9

    Everyone is getting in on the action, they are asking when the chicks are due grand kids watch while I turn the eggs and hubby helps turning the eggs in the evening and morning too! Folks stop by to see the chicks thinking they are hatched already and bring scraps for them! I'm surprised at the...
  6. Nancygardens

    Who's Hatching eggs this week? 9-9

    Yea Cotton42! We candled the eggs last night and all 12 have chicks growing in them excellent!
  7. Nancygardens

    Who's Hatching eggs this week? 9-9

    It's fun isn't it waiting on eggs to hatch? We tried to learn how to candle some eggs last night praticed with some from the fridge in the dark last night with flash light hubby & I were like a couple of kids! LOL! Too funny. This is a first for us.
  8. Nancygardens

    Who's Hatching eggs this week? 9-9

    So far so good enjoying all the forums here learning so much! Good luck to all who are setting hatching eggs!
  9. Nancygardens

    Who's Hatching eggs this week? 9-9

    It's been cooler outside so we had to turn on the heat in the house this effects the temp. in the hatching area, and today I"m using the clothes dryer so that effects it too so I've been leaving the door open in that room. No stinkers yet so hoping for a great hatch.
  10. Nancygardens

    Who's Hatching eggs this week? 9-9

    Checking in hubby convinced me to move light & eggs basket and platform that it's setting on into the basement to keep the temp. more even last night. I was up pounding a nail in to the floor joist last night hanging a chain for the 2nd light and changed them over put a towel on top of them when...
  11. Nancygardens

    Who's Hatching eggs this week? 9-9

    Way to go every one! Thanks for all the input. Yes we've been turning them only two times a day at first was all I thought they needed but have increased that now. I got a couple thermometers at the store today and have one in the basket and on beside it to tell room temp. & temp. in...
  12. Nancygardens

    Who's Hatching eggs this week? 9-9

    I read if humidity is too high chicks can drown. Here it's too hot to hatch out side in the summer so fall is supposed to be a great time for chick hatching I guess we will find out. Nobody can keep hens / chicks in stock they are going like hot cakes. I could not find any in the breed I...
  13. Nancygardens

    Who's Hatching eggs this week? 9-9

    I have a cabinet thing that might be used for a bator later no heat source in it now but it could have a light bulb installed.
  14. Nancygardens

    Who's Hatching eggs this week? 9-9

    What is lock down? Humidity will be if it rains! In the west it's dry here. Dry hatch method old fashioned method. Trying it like they did in old timey days. I need a temp. gage the light is on a chain so I'm adjusting it trying to find what distance works best. Yesterday it was a bit...
  15. Nancygardens

    Who's Hatching eggs this week? 9-9

    I got a doz. eggs today at church from friends w/ a roo. Full sized leghorn roo mostly and mix of hens mostly white so they will be a surprize! Have eggs in a basket w/ straw and heat lamp on in the shop. So excited I've not done this before! I put a 1 & 2 on the eggs for turning. Hoping...
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