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    What could have done this? *graphic* warning (link) :(

    Good idea! I bought 3 guineas at the beginning of Spring. I kept them locked up for 2-3 months, but as soon as I let them out to free range, they disappeared. We are moving into our new home, and it will have 6' horse fence up around the entire property so hopefully that will keep them in and...

    What could have done this? *graphic* warning (link) :(

    We have hardware cloth several feet up the run. We may need to put it up higher, though. Bull snakes are crazy-good diggers :( I wonder if a hot electric fence along the bottom would help?

    What could have done this? *graphic* warning (link) :(

    Thank you. I get really attached to my girls. Do you have any advice for keeping the snakes out since you've dealt with them before?

    What could have done this? *graphic* warning (link) :(

    Thank you for your input. If it is a snake that got her, I am guessing a bull snake. There are tons around here and they keep away the rattlesnakes. They get really big. The last one I saw was at least 5'. :( They can dig very deep and very well... not sure how to prevent them from getting...

    What could have done this? *graphic* warning (link) :(

    My little flock of 9 went down to 8 yesterday :( I was so heartbroken. Something got into the chicken run and killed my only blue layer (one that took me forever to find). And yes, I cried like a baby. Her body was completely intact, no marks anywhere, but her head was featherless and...
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