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  1. kyla

    Country People Unite!!1

    I"M back!!!
  2. kyla

    Country People Unite!!1

    I created this wonderful thread!!! Sadly though im not on here all tht often.........
  3. kyla

    Country People Unite!!1

    I love you guys!! I wont be able to get on for quite a while. I'm going to miss you guys!! Dont forget to remember and think of me!! you can always email me at [email protected] [email protected]
  4. kyla

    Country People Unite!!1

    Who has seen Breaking Dawn Part2? I have and its the best one yet!!! After this week this is the last week tht i'll be on for awhile.
  5. kyla

    Country People Unite!!1

    i have 8 cats at home(:
  6. kyla

    Country People Unite!!1

    i absolutely love mice!!! they are soooooooooo cute!!
  7. kyla

    Country People Unite!!1

  8. kyla

    Country People Unite!!1

    Me too!!!! The only thing tht i cant stand is spiders..........
  9. kyla

    Country People Unite!!1

    Some people dont understand us country people.
  10. kyla

    Country People Unite!!1

  11. kyla

    Country People Unite!!1

    They are welcome here anytime!!
  12. kyla

    Country People Unite!!1

    no there isnt a secret handshake!! LOL
  13. kyla

    Country People Unite!!1

    country people are multi-talented!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. kyla

    Country People Unite!!1

    thts prettty(:
  15. kyla

    Country People Unite!!1

  16. kyla

    Country People Unite!!1

    I dont have any game birds.....
  17. kyla

    Country People Unite!!1

  18. kyla

    Country People Unite!!1

    i want to go turkey hunting so bad....
  19. kyla

    Country People Unite!!1

    going hunting sounds like fun!!
  20. kyla

    Country People Unite!!1

    Have Fun!!!
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