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  1. jules1329

    Mystery Chicks from Meyer

    He really is. The picture doesn't really do him justice. And he's a really good roo. He doesn't eat until the hens have all eaten. He fusses at them when they get too far away. He hustles them in the coop when hawks are flying over or when it's time for bed. I couldn't ask for a better "husband"...
  2. jules1329

    Mystery Chicks from Meyer

    Here's my rooster. He's awful. I love him. His name was Leopold, but my severely autistic son thought it was a neat joke to call him Sheepy. Therefore, Sheepy he remains.
  3. jules1329

    Mystery Chicks from Meyer

    i dont know that misbehavior will help me. My rooster is just awful sometimes, and I absolutely adore him. My favorite hen pecks me every time I try to touch her. I think I'm a glutton for punishment!
  4. jules1329

    Mystery Chicks from Meyer

    We were trying to keep our cost down on this first attempt at raising chicks, and we wanted fryers and layers, so we ordered assortments for both. This would have been easier if we had ordered the white broiler bargain, but they seem too "franken-chicken" for me.
  5. jules1329

    Mystery Chicks from Meyer

    I just reviewed the breeds list for each assortment. If it's a partridge rock, it has to be a pullet. Yay! My husband won't insist we eat her!
  6. jules1329

    Mystery Chicks from Meyer

    I think he(?) is beautiful. I think future orders will be breed-specific, though. Speculation as to breed and sex is driving me crazy!
  7. jules1329

    Mystery Chicks from Meyer

    Here's the same chick at about one week.
  8. jules1329

    Mystery Chicks from Meyer

    Unfortunately, I have two assortments -- 12 cockerels in a fry pan assortment and 12 layers in a brown egg layer assortment. To complicate things further, there's also a Meyer Meal Maker chick. These little critters are the most fascinating things. I have no idea what I'm going to do with 12...
  9. jules1329

    Mystery Chicks from Meyer

    Top of Head
  10. jules1329

    Mystery Chicks from Meyer

    I have two others I'm almost positive are Welsummers. This one has darker legs and is a more all-over brown. No V. No eyeliner, to speak of. And not as chipmunky.
  11. jules1329

    Mystery Chicks from Meyer

    Face & Comb
  12. jules1329

    Mystery Chicks from Meyer

    Face, breast and feet
  13. jules1329

    Mystery Chicks from Meyer

    Here's the stance and feet. Sorry I can't get these to post in the thread properly. My iPad gives me fits.
  14. jules1329

    Mystery Chicks from Meyer

    I'll try to paste it in, too.
  15. jules1329

    Mystery Chicks from Meyer
  16. jules1329

    Mystery Chicks from Meyer

    I'm trying to figure out what this chick is. It's almost three weeks old. If this picture up,iAds, I'll upload more in my next post. [=][/]
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