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  1. Bryanshantel

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I know you wanted people with years of experience and I haven't found anyone yet that does it exclusivly. I have been trying for almost a year and this is what I found out with my chickens alone. I live in north florida and that might make some difference compared to your circumstances...
  2. Bryanshantel

    Growing fodder for chickens

    That should be good I was giving my four chickens much less than that and they were not eating it all and they hardly touched their laying pellets. Also I put crushed egg shells in the seed while it is growing and the chickens ate it up my eggs are nice and hard. I think if I give them more...
  3. Bryanshantel

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I have no problem finding mine at my feed store where I get my commercial pellets. But if you can't find it there try the internet. I don't know if walmart does anything to them to stop them from growing. Worse comes to worse buy it from walmart it is for bird consumption anyway, and try to...
  4. Bryanshantel

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I heard that soybeans sprouted or unsprouted were not a good source of protein for chickens. Try duckweed which is ridiculously easy to grow.
  5. Bryanshantel

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Yes it is called fodder and everyone has a different way to do is so I would do my research and experiment my self. From my personal experience don't go off chicken feed "cold turkey" wean them off slowly and keep a check on their weight I was still getting eggs so I thought my girls were fine...
  6. Bryanshantel

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I read somewhere that while commercial feed adds it to there recipe to boost protein it is not necessarily the best for them. other sources of protein are much better. Mealworms, duckweed or wheat has some protein.
  7. Bryanshantel

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I bought mine on ebay for about 6 dollars for 300-500 of them I think you can also ask around for anyone who has a pond from what I hear it is a nuisance and they would love to give you bunches of it
  8. Bryanshantel

    Growing fodder for chickens

    from what I understand is they can have sprouts from almost right away. And I don't know if I would say I am not having any luck with only fodder I just don't have the recipe down yet. I was getting eggs but my chickens were slowly losing weight. I think I just did not have enough protein for...
  9. Bryanshantel

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Fodder does not replace hay from what I am told but it does cut it back
  10. Bryanshantel

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I did it for a few months and I got the same amount of eggs once they got use to it. The problem was they lost weight and I now use the pellets as a supplement
  11. Bryanshantel

    Growing fodder for chickens

    make sure it has lots of drainage I keep getting mold I am told it is from water taking to long to drain
  12. Bryanshantel

    Growing fodder for chickens

    regular sunflower doesn't have enough nutrients I am told
  13. Bryanshantel

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I thought about this also but my chickens favorite part of the fodder is the seed between the root and sprout
  14. Bryanshantel

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I have been doing this for a few months now and my chickens love it. I mostly use 3/4 wheat and 1/4 black sunflower seeds. While my chickens love it, I wanted to get away from commercial feed. This did not work I noticed my chickens loosing weight very slowly and they were not eating all of...
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