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  1. CrosStitching

    Growing fodder for chickens

    My new preferred method for growing fodder... Throw in yard, cover with bottomless chicken wire brooder cage, water, wait a few days, let chicks loose! They grazed this hefty patch for over a week!
  2. CrosStitching

    Growing fodder for chickens

    My girls don't touch ANY of my herbs. They are all well within chicken height in little raised beds, but they just leave them alone. I have Chamomile, horsemint, rosemary (I saw a couple nibbling this the other day, but am pretty sure they were eating the bugs on it, not the leaves), parsley...
  3. CrosStitching

    Growing fodder for chickens

    So I have determined that the best soak time for my BOSS seeds are overnight, about 10-12 hours. This seems to make them germinate and take off the fastest with the highest germination percentage in my opinion. I also tried 24hrs, 6 hrs, and 1-2hrs. 24hrs was too long and caused some of the...
  4. CrosStitching

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Absolutely! I love growing sunflowers! They are so pretty. Just watch out for squirrels... those rotten no good fluffy rats came along and beheaded my last crop of sunflowers and dragged them off leaving a massacre of yellow petals behind. And they will dig up the seeds too, so if you have an...
  5. CrosStitching

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Still figuring out my setup and what is going to work for me. The heat in humidity in my garage in central Florida are extreme at times, so I've had some initial mold problems. I'm using BOSS and the chicks really like it once it's good and sprouted. I'm starting them inside in large yogurt...
  6. CrosStitching

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I bought a bag of Black Oil Sunflower Seeds (BOSS) from Lowes last night ($25.00 for 35lbs) which was a good price from the searches I did at a variety of local stores online. However, there seems to be quite a bit of chaff mixed in with the kernels. Should I pick the chaff out of the trays...
  7. CrosStitching

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Is it ok to just feed them once or twice a day? The four of mine are about 8 wks too. They just finished off the bag of starter feed, and I'd like to keep them off bagged feed if I can. They really like this "new zealand spinach" plant I have growing and eat some of that every day and random...
  8. CrosStitching

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Wow that's interesting. I think more studies need to be done on GMO grains and their longterm effects on people and animals that consume them. Fertility is a problem for so many people that it stands to reason it is being affected by something. Glad your animals are healthier now! Thanks for the...
  9. CrosStitching

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I'm wondering why most people soak for 24hrs? Most seeds only take a few hours to absorb their maximum water content. If you're having reoccurring mold, try soaking the seeds for 12 hrs, rinsing thoroughly, then rinsing maybe twice a day with plenty of drainage holes. Just a thought! Best of Luck!
  10. CrosStitching

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Could vinegar be used in the soak to prevent mold instead of bleach? Anyone tried it?
  11. CrosStitching

    Growing fodder for chickens This website has info on "the best way" to sprout... everything. I've never ordered from them before, but they have lots of info on bean, peas, grains, and anything else you might want to sprout with soak times and stuff. There's pictures...
  12. CrosStitching

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Black oil sunflower seeds
  13. CrosStitching

    Growing fodder for chickens

    at what age can I begin feeding fodder to chicks? I'll be getting mine next week and they'll be about 4wks old. All gold and black sex links if that makes a difference.
  14. CrosStitching

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Has anyone sprouted lentils for forage? Any other kind of bean? I know kidney beans have high levels of some-thing-or-other that make them not good, but any other types? Also, where do you source your BOSS?
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