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  1. Jeanette56

    Growing fodder for chickens

    armygirl - Here are some links on boiling fresh eggs. Try 2-3 eggs per method and see which one works best for you This one is the one...
  2. Jeanette56

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Others may disagree but I would say that as soon as they can be put on the ground with access to dirt/grit to help them digest it. Jeanette
  3. Jeanette56

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I really like your system! I've been trying to figure out a way using limited space and I think this will suit me very well. Great photos by the way Thanks for sharing! Jeanette
  4. Jeanette56

    Growing fodder for chickens

    This sounds really interesting but would you clarify a couple points for me? Do you put the kiddie pool flat side down on top of the seeds & then fill it with water for weight OR open side down, more like a greenhouse? Jeanette
  5. Jeanette56

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I've done BOSS by itself & in birdseed mixes. It is an easy seed to sprout & grows easy. Jeanette
  6. Jeanette56

    Growing fodder for chickens

    After the initial soak I am growing my sprouts/fodder outdoors too. The fruit flies became too much :( I live in south Texas so it is plenty hot here and I'm not sure if this will work. However, I have my setup in full shade and I have a water faucet & a hose close by. Is anyone else growing...
  7. Jeanette56

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Yes please Karen, photos would be great! Jeanette
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