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  1. Jensownzoo

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Ask the feed store if it has been treated--pesticides, fungicides, fertilizers. If they don't know, then have them find out (they know where they sourced it from). No you do not want to feed wheat containing any of those to your chickens, it doesn't matter how much you soak it.
  2. Jensownzoo

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Yes, it will attract fruit flies/fungus gnats/etc.. I finally had to move my ferment buckets outside because of them. A helpful toad/spider team took up residence nearby so I don't have many insects around the buckets at all.
  3. Jensownzoo

    Growing fodder for chickens

    A few. Soak them for 24 hours first. I think they were ready in 3ish days, but it's been a while as the garden was providing the chicken snacks this summer. I'll do sprouts (chickens) and fodder (goats) after the greenery is killed by frost.
  4. Jensownzoo

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Just the mung sprouts and chickpeas so far. Honestly, even cooked the other types require significant seasoning for me as I find them too bland to eat as is...wasn't tempted by the sprouts.
  5. Jensownzoo

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Actually the toxin in raw beans is destroyed by either cooking OR sprouting, so any type of bean can be used. I've done all sorts including mung bean, chickpeas, northern beans, pinto beans, black beans, the aforementioned lentils, etc.
  6. Jensownzoo

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Is that info on the regular seed or the sprouted seed? Not sure if the anti-nutrient content is transformed by sprouting or not.
  7. Jensownzoo

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Lots of people use alfalfa sprouts on salads and sandwiches. The one I remember doesn't sprout is flax just turns into a gloopy mess thanks to the mucilagenous compounds (some vegans use ground flax as egg replacer to give you an idea). Different seeds require different soaking...
  8. Jensownzoo

    Growing fodder for chickens

    There are a lot of different methods. Start at the beginning of the thread and keep reading until you find one that fits your liking/situation! :D
  9. Jensownzoo

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Where do you source your wheat from? :)
  10. Jensownzoo

    Growing fodder for chickens

    All I can say is...where did you get a TWO OUNCE acorn?!?! :ep
  11. Jensownzoo

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Well, I am sure that the chickens will love to help you clean your screens if the roots do grow through!
  12. Jensownzoo

    Growing fodder for chickens

    See the dark grey "handles" in the picture? They flip in like that so you can stack baskets. I am trying out pond planting baskets for my fodder since they are designed to allow water in (and out) but keep soil in, so I figured they would work for seeds. Will post results once I have them.
  13. Jensownzoo

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Looks like flax is a little different:
  14. Jensownzoo

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Did you use oats in your initial trials? Apparently they are one of the most difficult to grow to fodder for some people. I tried them using racehorse took forever to sprout and two weeks to grow to fodder.
  15. Jensownzoo

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I did this a few weeks ago using racing horse oats. Just put them in a colander in my double sink, gave them a good rinse twice daily, and then when they grew enough greenery I trimmed it down and gave it to my chicks in the brooder for some entertainment. At first they were just having fun...
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