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  1. Laurieks

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I had several batches fail to grow well, from a new sack of barley, using ACV in the soak water. I switched to a squirt of diluted bleach (probably a half ounce to a pint) I keep by the sink, no more problems. Maybe weather...
  2. Laurieks

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I talked to someone who works at a healthy bakery, who said they soak grains for 2 days before sprouting to make sprouted bread. My last two batches did poorly; my ACV is now in a squirt bottle & I may have used too much. I like using hydrogen peroxide to soak trays, thanks to the person who...
  3. Laurieks

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Whole Barley :) See if delivers to your area. Theirs works best for me. Listed on their site under Animal feed.
  4. Laurieks

    Growing fodder for chickens

    [\quote] I have emoji on my apple. Droid doesn't :(
  5. Laurieks

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Ugh I just found two banana slugs in my fodder trays :( Putting them up at night now!
  6. Laurieks

    Growing fodder for chickens

    @brahmabreeder I haven't grown wheat or flax yet. I tried Chia...the recipe I found via google said to mist them since they get little gel coats & won't drain. It was right! I soaked them, and could never get all the water out. I'm back to soaking chia to add to smoothies & juice for us, but...
  7. Laurieks

    Growing fodder for chickens

    one of the first ones I watched... @Gategitter there is definitely a learning curve, some will pounce on it, some will walk away; but once they learn what it is they will all be waiting for it. Some days my goats can't get it fast enough, some they let it sit a while. Six days old seems to...
  8. Laurieks

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Hey let's not get this thread closed. I like it.
  9. Laurieks

    Growing fodder for chickens

    That's what I do, based on what they like, and on a you tube video I saw a few years ago (sorry I can't find the link). The chickens eat the greens the goats drop, just like they are eating the grass coming up in the yard after the rains...
  10. Laurieks

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Years ago I read that Vitamin E levels rise dramatically in alfalfa seeds as they sprout, then drop as they mature. I'm hoping it's similar with all seeds. Now that our rain has finally started, it's pouring, so fodder will be the only greens they get.
  11. Laurieks

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I buy organic barley from Azure They deliver monthly across the US and can connect you with a local group to join. Group buys need to be $500, (which is easy to rack up if you browse their website) so joining a group is best. I've added boss but it was slow to sprout, clover was...
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