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  1. Oakieridge

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Oh what a wonderful idea!!!!! We may take your idea lol. We are getting a bit tired of taking the shelves apart. I feed out four shelves each day for 200 birds plus they get layer pellets as a added little "just in case".
  2. Oakieridge

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Great idea!!! My 2 hooop houses are full of birds at the moment but I do have the supplies to make 2 more I could use for fodder. DH has plans for a concret pad we have sitting next to our house. Right now it doesn't serve any use. We have some old glass patio doors that are cloudy but...
  3. Oakieridge

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Thanks, dh just got off the phone with the mill and they are going to refund me the cost. They won't have anymore for a while but that is fine we will go and get a 55 gallon drum full of it for $60 from another mill just west of us. My birds are loving the fodder, I just wish I could find the...
  4. Oakieridge

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Well hit a snag with fodder this weekend. We were almost out of wheat and barley so I went to a mill we usually get our pellets from. Well I had my son go since I was working all day Wednesday. Got home and the bags had tiny holes in them I asked my son he said he mentioned it to the guy...
  5. Oakieridge

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Sure i am out of town at a basketball game but will get pics Sunday for you.
  6. Oakieridge

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Isn't it wonderful!!! I will have to feed nothing but layer pellets today because guineas got the trays of fodder when they were outside draining. But I love they are getting fresh live food and doing so well on it.
  7. Oakieridge

    Growing fodder for chickens

    We have the shelves in our mudroom porch it is just big enough for 5 sets of the shelves. We drag them outside each morning to rinse them let them drain then put them back in the mudroom. Then in the afternoon do it again. We had been leaving them outside all day since it has been rather nice...
  8. Oakieridge

    Growing fodder for chickens

    LOL I want to figure out how much we are using daily as well. I ment to bring a "scoop" of feed with me to work today and weigh it but I forgot. We use 15 "scoops" each day so I want to figure out how much is a "scoop" in ounces or pounds and then figure how long a 50# bag of grain will last...
  9. Oakieridge

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Oh and hubby cut the poles down so that the shelves would be closer together. You don't have to do that but we wanted to stack them 5 tall and me still be able to see what I was watering lol. So far so good. We just drag them outside each day to water for about 5 mins and then once they drain...
  10. Oakieridge

    Growing fodder for chickens I hope this link works. This is alot like the shelves we are using. Ours were free a lady was going to throw them away and so dh brought them all home thinking we could use them for nest boxes or something. Well we used...
  11. Oakieridge

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Here you go, the seed is to thick in these but all we did was turn the shelves upside down. Dh drilled about 5 holes in each little section so water can drain. I rinse them once a day.
  12. Oakieridge

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Well I had been layering them to thickly, the first batches had seeds that didn't sprout much because there were to many. Now I am doing just enough to cover the bottom of the little sections. We have aprox. 200 birds (about 1/4 bantams). I have been doing 4-5 "trays/shelves" of fodder each...
  13. Oakieridge

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Here is an update on our Fodder Feeding experiment. Already my feed bill has gone down. We give Fodder in the morning first thing when we let them out to free range. They attack it like nobody's business!!! The guineas are taking longer to get on board with it but they won't starve...
  14. Oakieridge

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Well we started our fodder Friday night, soaked and then wandering our place yesterday dh found these plastic shelving units someone gave us. He turned them upside down to make our fodder system. He drilled lots of tiny holes in them so that they drain well. Today they were sprouting...
  15. Oakieridge

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I wish I knew the nutrition levels in sprouted barley so I would know what all to add. I did also get a pound of white clover to add in on about day 3. I am wondering what else I can add. I know oats are hard to spout but dang they would add what I need. I wonder if I just kept fermenting...
  16. Oakieridge

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Stopped at the feed store today and they were sold out of Wheat said they would be sold out till probably Aug. or Sept next year??? Anyway they had Barley so I got 2 50# bags of that for $10.50 a bag not sure if that is a good price or not. I am going to start them tonight. Of course I got...
  17. Oakieridge

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Went to town yesterday and in my rush to find rubber water bowls (that it seems everyone was sold out of the size I wanted) I didn't look at feed much. I did see whole oats for horses but not sure if that is what I want. I will try the feed store monday at lunch if I have time. I need to get...
  18. Oakieridge

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I have been Fermenting feed for my birds but not tried sprouting any. Can I use reclaimed oats? I get them at the feed store for $12 for a 50# bag. It is what I have been fermenting. If not what kind of grains specifically do I ask for. My feed store already thinks I am a crazy chicken lady...
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