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  1. PetRock

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Have you checked at the feed stores? My whole grains come from King Feed and I buy them at the feed store. Perhaps your feed store could get some in for you. King Feed is somewhere down in S CA, I think.
  2. PetRock

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I've used Oxine, too. It is safe to put in their drinking water and breaks down into a salt and water.
  3. PetRock

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I have been doing this for over 2 years. I went to a home improvement store and purchased large black plastic trays that are used to mix cement, etc. My DH drilled holes in the bottom and made a wood frame and hardware cloth lid. We use compost for the soil and fill the trays up to about 2- 2...
  4. PetRock

    Growing fodder for chickens

    You might be bringing home the eggs/larva already in the grain. That's what happened to me. The feed store said that sometimes the grain is older and tends to have bug problems. It isn't barley season year around out here in CA! I haven't had a problem with the wheat or oats but I'm storing...
  5. PetRock

    Growing fodder for chickens

    The ones in my barley were ugly black things that were crawling all over inside the plastic vittle vault container that I store my grain in. I wasn't thrilled with the thought that they might get out. Plus, the larva eat the grain kernel. I don't want hoards of these loose in my house!
  6. PetRock

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Have any of you had problems with grain weevils? The last 2 bags of barley that I purchased from 2 different feed stores (the grain came from 2 different sources) have had weevils. One bag had them within 1 week of purchase. I have started putting the 50 lb bags of grain in my chest freezer...
  7. PetRock

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I don't intentionally feed mine tomato leaves. They just occasionally get into the garden and help themselves. Tomato leaves are not on the top of their preferred list, however, so that's good.
  8. PetRock

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Mine love tomatoes, too. They also occasionally eat the leaves and there has never been a problem. Mine will eat almost anything green including ivy and ice plant. I used to have a problem with an overgrowth of both but my chicken weeders have taken care of that for me.
  9. PetRock

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Thank you for sharing this link! It is an amazing resource!!!
  10. PetRock

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I have been growing both barley and wheat fodder. I started off with some major mold problems especially when I used barley. I bought a big bag of both at the feed mill and the barley is supposed to be cleaned but it has all kinds of other stuff in it while the wheat has just wheat. In an...
  11. PetRock

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I tried the hydrogen peroxide in the water with this batch of barley but I hand water 3 times/day and didn't put it in every time I watered. Watering more often and for a longer period of time did help but once I got to day 4, the mold/mildew problems started. I'm very careful about not...
  12. PetRock

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Maybe that's it. The wheat I bought looks clean with only wheat while the barley has all kinds of stuff in it including little tiny berries/seeds. Maybe I just need to try a different kind of barley.
  13. PetRock

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I just came to the same conclusion this week that wheat works better than barley. Every time I use barley, I have to battle mold and mildew problems. I never have those problems when I use wheat. I bought my grain in 80 lb. bags from a local feed mill. The barley is "cleaned" but just looks...
  14. PetRock

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Here is the link for 26 lb hard white wheat on
  15. PetRock

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I'm going to try that. Peroxide is probably less expensive than Oxine.
  16. PetRock

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I have been working hard to resolve the mold issues on my trays. So far, so good this week! I spray all of my trays with an oxine solution to disinfect them. I also put oxine in my 12 hour soak to make sure any mold spores are killed. I would rather use Oxine than bleach. It can be used as...
  17. PetRock

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I'll try reducing the soak time and see if that helps.
  18. PetRock

    Growing fodder for chickens

    The ones that went moldy last week were barley. The tray I started earlier this week is wheat and I started one of barley today.
  19. PetRock

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I have been having a problem with mold in my fodder trays, too. It is discouraging. I just took 4 trays out and just planted them instead of feeding them to my girls. I had a problem last week with one of my Olive Egger hens and vent gleet plus sour croup. I don't know for sure what caused...
  20. PetRock

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I am just learning about fodder and started my first tray of barley a few days ago. Today, I have green shoots!!! In the first 12-24 hour soak, I put a little bit of oxine to kill any bacteria or mold on the grain. Do you think that would help minimize any e coli risk?
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