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  1. Bogtown Chick

    In Honor of Ginger: Share your Rooster pictures here!

    This is Duke. He is Big Roger's cronie. I tend to just ignore him: he's a "whoops" from the tractor supply store that I got him. (a dominique pullet is what I thought was being grabbed from the tank) Ha! But he definitely has added personality to the flock and he is submissive and just...
  2. Bogtown Chick

    In Honor of Ginger: Share your Rooster pictures here!

    Our "First Egg Situation" our Roo Roger was beside himself waiting outside the coop waiting like an expectant father of sorts until his Sunny laid that egg. We kicked him out so she could concentrate on laying because she was worn out trying to figure out where to lay all afternoon free...
  3. Bogtown Chick

    In Honor of Ginger: Share your Rooster pictures here!

    Roger is a 6 month old New Hampshire. Loving life with 9 mixed flock ladies and a little cronie friend Blue Cochin Bantam Cockerel, Duke. They keep us in stitches. I love your doubt he's got New Hampshire in the mix there too, I would say. Love my EE's.
  4. Bogtown Chick

    In Honor of Ginger: Share your Rooster pictures here!

    Thank you Chickadee Ranch. He's a big love. He's so good to the girls and takes care of them so well while they free range. They couldn't do it without him safely in our neck of the woods. We're lucky to have him and we laugh about something he did everyday. He's good to my kids, and I, too...
  5. Bogtown Chick

    In Honor of Ginger: Share your Rooster pictures here!

    I love your story about Ginger. Here is our Big Roger, fluff pants and all. That's why we get them for these beautiful and hysterical stories to be remembered for a life time. RIP Ginger, ~Big Rog and his flock.
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