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  1. Fraunie

    BR female is ATTACKING me, does she need a mate??

    OK, Now the Tom is attacking me!!!! He has only pecked at me a few times, but has aggressively attacked my husband twice. Once he turned a spray hose on him to get out of the pen, then this morning, I had to divert tom while he made his way to the gate, but it was an effort!! Any new...
  2. Fraunie

    BR female is ATTACKING me, does she need a mate??

    Thank you for your comments! Yesterday I got a Mottled Black Tom from my friend. He has been kept with chickens of all sizes, an so far seems to be taking to our homestead just fine. They free range in our large corral during the day and go into a coop with an auto door at night. Last...
  3. Fraunie

    BR female is ATTACKING me, does she need a mate??

    She has always loved me, but the past 3 weeks she has been super mean. I have tried to just avoid her, I have tried to dominate her, I have tried to 'fight' back. Nothing works and I am getting tired of getting blood-welts everytime I go into the corral. What could be causing the behaviour...
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