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  1. sewingca

    Low egg production - it's mice!

    We've not seen rats in a while; haven't seen snakes lately; getting one or none eggs daily from a group of 9 prime age girls. So, I've "seeded" the nests with fake eggs and, now that it is cooler, will keep the light on through the night. Perhaps the slackers will get back on the wagon and...
  2. sewingca

    Low egg production - it's mice!

    Oh, PrairieChickens, we've had black snakes - they eat our eggs! Good thought, though, perhaps since I inadvertantly cleared the rats out, the local snakes will have a feast in the nearby brush. By the way, it was my DH that first saw the "mice". This evening, he saw another "mouse" in the...
  3. sewingca

    Low egg production - it's mice!

    Prairie Chicken, what's your remedy? I am not adverse to anything short of eating them!
  4. sewingca

    Low egg production - it's mice!

    Here's an update - it's not mice, but RATS! I moved a panel (out there to keep chickens off the top of the next boxes) and 5 RATS went running! I screamed and flew out of the coop! That was this morning, so they are raiding the nest boxes for eggs during the day. After my heart re-started, I...
  5. sewingca

    Low egg production - it's mice!

    My brother has a pail (like a 5 gallon bucket of paint) half filled with water and straw. The straw is to camouflage the water. The mouse strolls into it and then can't get out. I searched "mice" on this website and found something similar. It's the same pail, but with a wire stretched...
  6. sewingca

    Low egg production - it's mice!

    We spotted mice in the coop! It's not one of the girls getting the eggs, it's varmints! Now, we've got to figure a way to curtail their activity. My brother has said something about a stick and water in a deep pail. I said, have at it! He will be handling this tomorrow. I'm glad it's not...
  7. sewingca

    Low egg production - it's mice!

    There are nesting boxes in the coop. One of our girls often drops her egg wherever! Today is the first day I've found more than shell. In Florida, it is warm and light longer than up north. I've had the girls for a few years so I know their routine. This is puzzling. Thanks for your...
  8. sewingca

    Low egg production - it's mice!

    We may have an egg eater in our bunch. We have 2 mature roosters, 12 hens and 1 undermined, Soledad. We have been gathering 1 or 2 eggs a day lately. A couple of times, I've found bits of shell in the coop. Several of the girls are molting. Is this the reason? If someone is eating the...
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