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  1. RHRanch

    Political Ramblings

    I literally got a 9 cent raise at one of my first jobs. I thought they were kidding at first.
  2. RHRanch

    Political Ramblings

    When you raise the minimum wage, the cost of living goes up along with the costs of goods and services, so raising the minimum wage really doesn't solve anything.
  3. RHRanch

    Political Ramblings

    You are totally right... I live in a really nice house, but it's held in trust for my siblings (not me, not actually related). I get to live here now, with low rent. People think I have money when they see my house. To be honest, I probably would have been homeless at some point in the last...
  4. RHRanch

    Political Ramblings

    I have been so poor that $7 would be a major purchase.... Sometimes poor is really really poor. I do shop at thrift stores, but a lot of the times they ask for close to retail prices and a lot of stuff really worn out, too. I can get jeans on clearance brand new for $7 if I watch the clearance...
  5. RHRanch

    Political Ramblings

    What is your point, you think because you know some people who have taken advantage of the system that naturally all of them are doing it? Or is it that no one should get help because some will abuse it?
  6. RHRanch

    Political Ramblings
  7. RHRanch

    Political Ramblings

    Actually, there has been plenty of research into what kinds of things work and what does not for the treatment of the mentally ill. Since de-institutionalization, hospitals and prisons have had to try to fill the void left by mental institutions. While many abuses happened in mental...
  8. RHRanch

    Political Ramblings

    The statistic (which is not recent, I agree but I think the factsheet gives a good breakdown of the causes of homelessness) is that of those who are chronically homeless 80% substance abusers and 60% mentally ill. Obviously there is overlap, so amongst the drug users are mentally ill people...
  9. RHRanch

    Political Ramblings

    Most people who are homeless are homeless by choice? Where do you get your facts? Are you counting the mentally ill as those who "choose" homelessness? I can see that you need to be informed, here's a factsheet that may give you an idea of the actual factors that lead to homelessness...
  10. RHRanch

    Political Ramblings

    To someone like myself who has lived well below the poverty level as a child and at various times in my adulthood, and who has poor parents, your statement is terribly offensive. It was and is not comfortable to be poor. The fact that you believe that it is comfortable being poor in this...
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