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  1. duckluck

    Political Ramblings

    Well, somebody get one of those "smiley making" downloads and make one! I used to run a forum and we had one where the smiley gets his torch extinguished after the words flash "The Tribe Has Spoken"...then he frowns while it smokes...
  2. duckluck

    Political Ramblings

    Entirely possible.
  3. duckluck

    Political Ramblings

    Any sheriff that doesn't enforce a known law will not be sheriff for long, so it would hardly matter whether he thinks the law is constitutional or not...he'll be fired.
  4. duckluck

    Political Ramblings

    I hope they don't pass it, and I think it's just yet another diversion from the real issue, our economy.
  5. duckluck

    Political Ramblings

    Quote: Ya know, I had a sociology professor in university that hated to hear "studies show", and there was a good reason for it...studies can be geared to show anything you want them to show, and she told us that. I wanted to own a handgun at 18, I was in college, and it had nothing to with...
  6. duckluck

    Political Ramblings

    Sure sounds like it. And that's the exact same sort of behavior, among others, that led to our country seceding and the American Revolution. Our forefathers actually did it for less than what is going on right now.
  7. duckluck

    Political Ramblings

    Better do it then.
  8. duckluck

    Political Ramblings

    They probably don't even know what they are saying, so how can anyone else? Makes you any of these people know what Prohibition was, and more importantly, what "unprecedented success" it had in preventing the sale of alcohol? And how we are now a drug-free country thanks to the War...
  9. duckluck

    Political Ramblings

    Exactly. Every gun owner I know here is gearing up to get an Illinois concealed carry permit.
  10. duckluck

    Political Ramblings

    Gonna look into that and see what number to call, but doesn't surprise me...this is the heart of crooked politics.
  11. duckluck

    Political Ramblings

    LOVE this guy! He can come be sheriff here anytime!
  12. duckluck

    Political Ramblings

    That's one we will have to see to believe!
  13. duckluck

    Political Ramblings

    117 is going to create a lot of "criminals"...I don't know ANYONE who will submit to registering their guns.
  14. duckluck

    Political Ramblings

    Anyone who wants to pay more taxes is free do to so. Trust me, the government will not turn away your money. People voting to cause everyone ELSE'S taxes to be raised is why we have a problem here, as well as talking about cutting spending on so-called "entitlements" Medicare and Social...
  15. duckluck

    Political Ramblings

    Very ridiculous. And, has anyone ever seen a broke politician? I personally have seen only one, and he was practically eaten alive by his family's bad debt come home to roost, but he was also a politician way-back-when...whoever hears of them now? I sure hope no one pays that bill...they...
  16. duckluck

    Political Ramblings

    No nation has ever bettered itself by bringing the rich down in order to bring the poor up. They tried that in the Jamestown colony where it saw certain and quick failure, but those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat it.
  17. duckluck

    Political Ramblings

    I've visited! Nothing like living there I know, but...
  18. duckluck

    Political Ramblings

    They're not telling anyone outside of Chicago anything they don't know, for sure.
  19. duckluck

    Political Ramblings

    I don't find that surprising at all. Government is bloated and Washington DC is tiny compared to the rest of the country.
  20. duckluck

    Political Ramblings

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