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  1. kuntrygirl

    Political Ramblings

    If she can do that, then she needs to open her own business as a consultant and teach others how to do the same thing on a limited income. Maybe she can get off of benefits with this "Gift Of Knowing How To Save". :)
  2. kuntrygirl

    Political Ramblings

    True. And we should look at each person's situation. For someone who is not actively seeking and searching to do better, then they should not be allowed to receive free aid FOREVER. For those that prefer to sit on their bottom, watch cable all day and not be a productive citizen in their...
  3. kuntrygirl

    Political Ramblings

    You're referring to the time limit of FOREVER??????
  4. kuntrygirl

    Political Ramblings

    EXACTLY! How long should someone get help? I think there should be a limit. FREE aid should be available for a certain period of time. During that time, the recipient should get their act together and enroll in some type of skills relating to seeking and securing a job, some type of trade...
  5. kuntrygirl

    Political Ramblings

  6. kuntrygirl

    Political Ramblings

    Every try carrot juice? I'm doing my juicing cleanse. :/
  7. kuntrygirl

    Political Ramblings

    I have heard of WIC. You are right about the cheapest foods are the crappiest. As bad as I hate to say it, but I can understand a family going to Mc'Donald's and buying $1.00 burgers, fries and drinks for a cheap price. At $3.00 per family member, it feeds their families. Sad but true. And...
  8. kuntrygirl

    Political Ramblings

    I'm sorry but that is funny about the diabetic. :lau I had to laugh when I read that. Sad thing is that it's true. :( I too have a bad feeling about all of this.
  9. kuntrygirl

    Political Ramblings

    That brings up another point. I wonder how and why (what is the reasoning behind it) "treats" (chips, soda, snack cakes (twinkies ;)), cookies) are an approved item when it comes to the Free Money Cards. When did a person ever NEED a "treat" to survive? Seems to me they only need the basics...
  10. kuntrygirl

    Political Ramblings

    I give you an A for effort. At least you did try. :hugs Thumbs up to you for that. Some people don't even try.
  11. kuntrygirl

    Political Ramblings

    It's called survival. You do what you need to do to survive.
  12. kuntrygirl

    Political Ramblings

    Hi Jeff!!!!!!!!!!! My LOUISIANA La-yer friend!!!!! :frow I'm glad that you know what I'm talking about. Not only that, they buy the groceries and turn around and cook the food and have a plate lunch sale and keep the cash. Who knew? ;)
  13. kuntrygirl

    Political Ramblings

  14. kuntrygirl

    Political Ramblings

    In their back yard where they keep the BBQ pit and the pit bull. ;)
  15. kuntrygirl

    Political Ramblings

    Oh I know. I see it weekly! I see what FREE money cards they use. I make it MY BUSINESS to see being as though I am supporting that person. Thank you! Snack cakes, sodas and chips are not a necessity in life. It's a WANT! I'm just saying. I volunteer yearly AND I adopt 2 families each...
  16. kuntrygirl

    Political Ramblings

    I found out a few months ago that these "benefit" cards, (SNAP or whatever the free money cards are called) allows recipients of these cards to purchase "seeds" so they can plant gardens so that they can reap the benefits of fresh fruits and vegetables. I guess that is too much like work...
  17. kuntrygirl

    Political Ramblings

    I agree with your way of thinking.
  18. kuntrygirl

    Political Ramblings

    I'm with you. I'm also hopeful.
  19. kuntrygirl

    Political Ramblings

    Sounds like we will be smelling that "off" smell for a long time huh? :( When will things get better.:/
  20. kuntrygirl

    Political Ramblings

    Profound statement. :thumbsup
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