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  1. canesisters

    Making an egg skelter ?

    VERY nice to meet you. That is one beautifully elegant idea yall came up with! It looks like something that's been around for a long time. There was a post on BYC just a few days ago with the link to MannaPro. In all honesty, I will very likely end up getting one from you. My...
  2. canesisters

    Making an egg skelter ?

    Nope - not cold at all today. We're in the typical VA Fall = 40s yesterday, 50s today, 70s over the weekend and into the 30's next week. I'm actually playing with some old coat hangers to see if I can make something usable. My big problem has been getting it stiff enough to hold the...
  3. canesisters

    Making an egg skelter ?

    Hey! How ya been? Egg skelters are a gizmo that stores your eggs in order of when they were laid (or when they were collected, in my case). New eggs on the top, oldest eggs on the bottom. As you use the older eggs, they roll down the ramp and make room for the newer ones. The wire style...
  4. canesisters

    Making an egg skelter ?

    Has anyone made one? Is there a pattern out there somewhere? I want one but just can't seem to come off the $ for a fancy egg holder... I'm just really cheap like that.
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