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  1. joyfulkeeper


    I'm glad you were able to save your hen! Here's a pic of the new mama and her 2 adopted chicks. She had them out today for the first time. And here's one checking out the camera.
  2. joyfulkeeper


    I have new chicks thanks to Minniechickmama! Thanks Theri! Yesterday I brought home 6 Buckeyes that are six weeks old and 3, day old, BLRW for a broody who won't give up. We got the Bucks settled into the chicken tractor and left the tiny chicks in a box in the garage waiting to be put under...
  3. joyfulkeeper


    How is your little one doing today?
  4. joyfulkeeper


    Anyone in need of anything? Anyone have any bad damage?
  5. joyfulkeeper


    Thanks for the congratulations and happy thoughts, Aussiegal, and everyone else! The last couple of days have been so wonderful. Here is a picture of our son and his beautiful bride (they were married just a couple months before he was deployed). Aussiegal, how is your hubby doing now? I'll...
  6. joyfulkeeper


    We just got official word that our son and his unit will be coming home to MN tomorrow!!!! After almost a year in Afghanistan, I can't wait to have him in my arms again! 849th MAC coming into Litchfield at about 3pm tomorrow if anyone wants to be there and show your support for our troops.
  7. joyfulkeeper


    Yes, exciting! Keep us posted. :)
  8. joyfulkeeper


    Wow, sounds like a great flock! Have fun with your hatches. Any chicks yet? I just experienced my first hatches. It was so wonderful! Our first broody hatched 7 out of 8 eggs, the second broody hatched 9 out of 10, and I had 11 out of 12 ducklings hatch in the incubator. They are so darn cute!
  9. joyfulkeeper


    Hi, Baylybreeze. Welcome! How many chickens and what kind do you have?
  10. joyfulkeeper


    Thanks for the input everyone! So if the "rescue" neuters the roosters, doesn't that make them a capon? And wouldn't that tempt many to fire up the bbq? Have any of you added a rooster to your flock? What is the best way to integrate him in? Also, how do you quarantine? How long? What...
  11. joyfulkeeper


    The ladies are missing their roo. They have been all out of sorts and grumpy. Lots of squabbling is going on now and an all out fight with blood drawn just happened between our new mama hen and one of the others. I'm almost regretting my decision to get rid of Mr Roo. :(
  12. joyfulkeeper


    That sounds yummy! He is resting in the fridge for a couple days then I may try that recipe. Our flock free ranges all around the farm, so now the kids can play outside without worrying about where the mean rooster is. My husband is worried that the hens will miss him too much and not do...
  13. joyfulkeeper


    We tried all we could with Mr Roo, but after yesterday I knew I would never trust him. I don't want anyone getting hurt or even just worrying about getting attacked. Life will be more peaceful and happy without him. Now I need to decide where to go with the flock... Do I get another BA roo or...
  14. joyfulkeeper


    Any suggestions on how to cook a year old rooster?
  15. joyfulkeeper


    We are officially without a rooster as of this evening. He was better for awhile and then started attacking again yesterday. I have bruises from his spurs and one cut. So tonight it was off with his head!
  16. joyfulkeeper


    Welcome! You have a wonderful mix there! My one recommendation is to have more ventilation than you think you need, especially if you have the ducks and chickens together. We are adding a 4 inch turbine roof vent and some type of side vent at ceiling level on the south side. Our windows...
  17. joyfulkeeper


    Sounds like a wonderful plan! :)
  18. joyfulkeeper


    Thanks. I can't wait to hear cheeps coming from under the broody.
  19. joyfulkeeper


    7 Wow!! I hope you can utilize them well. When are your eggs due to hatch? My broody has 7 eggs that should hatch in a couple of days. I also have 2 more that went broody, but I'm not sure how I will use them. Ms Broody-butt
  20. joyfulkeeper


    Is that better and more cost effective than pine shavings? We used a ton of shavings over the winter and it was a frozen slimy mess. I'm wondering if there is a better way to go. Anyone used a Sweet PDZ/sand mix on the floor of the coop?
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