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  1. lauralgirl


    Quote: X2 And Ralphie, even though I am not an avid "poster" I enjoy your posts immensely! You make my day; many days! We all have our issues, at least here on BYC, most of us freely admit that :-0
  2. lauralgirl


    Some days I work from home just so I can sit outside and watch the chickens during lunch! (Yes, even when it's this cold..... :-)
  3. lauralgirl


    I would have to say that our basque are the friendliest of all our chickens. But they do like to lecture you while standing on your foot :-) Our Wellie Roo we got as a chick from Minnie two years ago is super friendly too. Who am I kidding. .. all of ours are friendly or they land in the...
  4. lauralgirl


  5. lauralgirl


    How big are the eggs you get from the Cream Legbars? I've been sorely tempted to get a few, but haven't found anyone who gets more than a medium sized egg. I'm hoping to find some that lay large to XLarge, but just not sure they exist :-)
  6. lauralgirl


    Adorable!! Great survival rate for the weather! I have Welsummer, Black Copper Marans, Blue Copper Marans and Euskal Oiloas (Marraduna Basque Hens) in the incubator right now. Welsummers and Marrans go into lockdown tonight! I'm new to incubating/hatching, so am keeping my fingers crossed...
  7. lauralgirl


    Hi Cochins, Welcome! I'm about an hour southeast of you..... thanks to my chicken-eating-dog, I am down to 2 mixed roos right now, but have eggs due to hatch this week! No Cochins though :-)
  8. lauralgirl


    Wow! That's some determined critters! I just hate the idea of not letting them free range, but a wise woman once told me that life is about giving up ideals... I never liked to agree with her, but maybe she has a point.... So, we'll see.... Maybe I'll be fencing 4 acres of chicken "pasture"
  9. lauralgirl


    Anglebub, these are not eggs from our hens, sadly. I really would have liked chicks from our own Wellies. The day it happened, one of the maran x pullets had laid, so I put that egg in the bator with the rest. She had only been laying about 10 days, so not sure if it will be fertile, but my...
  10. lauralgirl


    Thanks BC. Thankfully, it was my own dog. No one to blame but myself... One of our dogs is very good with the chickens and doesn't bother them at all. The other one will kill anything that runs from it - we just can't break him of it, so he has a large fenced area of the yard that he's...
  11. lauralgirl


    Sadly, I have to report that I just lost most of my flock to a"predator". this case, a dog who slipped his kennel. :-( :-(. Included in the loss were both my Welsummer hens and roo. He was my dominant roo. :-(. I also lost 2 Marans cross pullets who had just started laying, the sweetest...
  12. lauralgirl


    Love that idea for mash!!! I have a few extra heated water dishes that I use for water in the rabbit hutches... they would be perfect for mash.... don't know why I never thought of that!
  13. lauralgirl


    I figured I'd give them the illusion of choice :-)
  14. lauralgirl


    Thanks all for making me feel so welcome! Coldupnorth - love your pup! I have 2 Newfoundlands that are outside dogs... unlike the chickens, they are LOVING the cold! I opened the pop door of the coop this morning since the wind finally disappeared. The birds just looked at me like I was...
  15. lauralgirl


    Hi fellow Minnesotans! I finally managed to get off the other forums long enough to find this one. :-). I am in SE Minnesota near Rochester. I built my first coop and got my first chickens last fall. I have a pure Welsummer trio, and 2 pullets and 5 cockerels from a flock of several breeds of...
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