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  1. DaphneNL

    Gun control and the second amendment....

    I will stop visiting this thread, because whatever I say, it's misinterpreted in a bad way. Maybe it's because I'm Dutch, and English is not at all my first language, and it makes me pick out the wrong words. In that case, I'm sorry. I really hope pro- and con- can work together to make this...
  2. DaphneNL

    Gun control and the second amendment....

    The only thing I said was that I think you need to screen gun owners, to make as sure as possible that they are mentally stable enough to own a weapon. I said that if you make it so easy to get a gun, people that are a real danger to your community can also get one. In almost every cruel event...
  3. DaphneNL

    Gun control and the second amendment....

    I'm a big fan of sarcasm, really, but this isn't sarcasm, just an absurd reaction. You can disagree with me, and I can respect that, but what makes a discussion about such an important subject impossible is ridiculing other people's opinions in a way like you just did. It hurts me to browse the...
  4. DaphneNL

    Gun control and the second amendment....

    No problem. And I read the article.
  5. DaphneNL

    Gun control and the second amendment....

    Why are you showing me this? It has nothing to do with what I replied.
  6. DaphneNL

    Gun control and the second amendment....

    I don't think the world wil become a safer place if everyone is mostly interested in their own rights to own weapons. Fact; the easier it is to get a gun, the bigger the chance guns will be used in crimes, the bigger the chance you will need one to defend yourself. In my opinion, gun owners...
  7. DaphneNL

    Gun control and the second amendment....

    I really think partial legalisation of drugs in the Netherland reduces crime.I also think that criminals will always calculate their changes if they commit a crime. Example: If some idiot wants to break into my house, he/she will know the chance I own a gun is minimal. That reduces the chance...
  8. DaphneNL

    Gun control and the second amendment....

    Have to tell you I also met some amazing people on my trip. But in those few weeks I learned there are many many differences between Dutch and American people. I will keep following this thread, I hope to see some more opinions about this subject.
  9. DaphneNL

    Gun control and the second amendment....

    I live in a country where it's very very hard to get a gun, and it makes me feel safe. But I'm not going to explain myself, simply because I've experienced that people who are pro gun are not interested in discussions about it. I visited the USA in 2009, and had some americans ask me for my...
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