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  1. chickened

    Gun control and the second amendment.... A good read.
  2. chickened

    Gun control and the second amendment....

    Swtzerland government issues every adult a gun and trains them to use it. Switzerland has the lowest gun related crime rate of any civilized country in the world.
  3. chickened

    Gun control and the second amendment....

    My father told me stories about the state coming and hauling off people never to be seen again (institutionalized) in the 40's that everyone in town knew was crazy. God knows what those prevented. I knew 2 brothers that were as crazy as they get and the best thing that happenned to them is...
  4. chickened

    Gun control and the second amendment....

    The Tirailleurs were a force to be reckoned with during WWII and were nothing more than people with a rifle.
  5. chickened

    Gun control and the second amendment....

    Why did the Brits write to their american relatives asking for them to send rifles when the the germans were planning an invasion?
  6. chickened

    Gun control and the second amendment....

    Dennis does have a point, if the gun culture existed in the countries that Hitler invaded like it exists today in the US I really think the whole war in Europe would have been different.
  7. chickened

    Gun control and the second amendment....

    Very good article. If anyone wonders how a great nation that no invading army can ever conquer finds utter destruction and collapse this may be a how it begins.
  8. chickened

    Gun control and the second amendment....

    We have several rights guaranteed here in America. We also have a procedure to add or remove those rights and those procedures are tough and they are made that way if for any reason so that we are sure and double and triple and ... sure that we are doing the right thing. Infringing on those...
  9. chickened

    Gun control and the second amendment....

    I do respect your opinion but quite seriously you are half a world away, live in a region that guns are treated like tabacco is over here. We have tried your approach here actually, we tried it with alcohol we tried it with banning certain weapons and every time it does not work and has the...
  10. chickened

    Gun control and the second amendment....

    There are some limitation even I may support but very few. I think you are right in something will become law and it will make some of us FEEL safer but in reality will not prevent a repeat of Newtown. The guy from DofHS had the best grip on reality in what needs done.
  11. chickened

    Gun control and the second amendment....

    Well, it has begun. Dianne feinstien on Meet the Press (which has gone way downhill IMO) is swearing she will present an assault weapons ban. A person who represents and funded by people who live in guarded gated commmunities, by actors with armed security people and walls around them and...
  12. chickened

    Gun control and the second amendment....

    deleted by me
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