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  1. rebelcowboysnb

    Gun control and the second amendment....

    Filtering out all crimes but the one that fits your agenda is trying to cloud the issue not the other way around.
  2. rebelcowboysnb

    Gun control and the second amendment....

    There is video of the gun being removed from the van so someone should be able to tell
  3. rebelcowboysnb

    Gun control and the second amendment....

    Official reports say he used the AR an the gun in the van was a pump shotgun. Hard to keep up with all the "media" misinformation...
  4. rebelcowboysnb

    Gun control and the second amendment....

    Yea, August 15, 2008... They have been carrying for 5 school seasons now. Many others are following them.
  5. rebelcowboysnb

    Gun control and the second amendment....

    No you are also looking at it as a personal issue. You are talking about your rights. It goes both ways. You do not want to give up your rights for the "greater common good" so why should I. Two way street.
  6. rebelcowboysnb

    Gun control and the second amendment....

    You have every right to home school or not if you chose. I am not the one trying to tell anyone to give up a right... You want me to give up one. My AR15 is the best rifle I own. It is used every day for hunting, home protection an target shooting all over the country. It is light enough for...
  7. rebelcowboysnb

    Gun control and the second amendment....

    According to what state you are in, they may have already been armed for years. Armed parents go in an out of Georgia schools every day. Part of Texas has armed teachers. Then there is Israel.... If you don't trust teachers with the lives of your children, why are you already trusting them...
  8. rebelcowboysnb

    Gun control and the second amendment....
  9. rebelcowboysnb

    Gun control and the second amendment....

    Really? A shotgun would be safer than a .223? Lets run with that. Lets assume at the school he chose the shotgun. And he chose the same size lead. A .223 hunk of lead is about the diameter of number 4 shot. 21 peaces of lead fit in an average 1 oz 12 gauge #4 shot shell. That means for every...
  10. rebelcowboysnb

    Gun control and the second amendment....
  11. rebelcowboysnb

    Gun control and the second amendment....

    I really dont know how to take that. I mean they have had gun "experts" on saying that hollow points are a bullets specially made to go threw bullet proof vests. An others saying a home with 6 guns is very odd. They are just making things up so what other "experts" are doing the same..
  12. rebelcowboysnb

    Gun control and the second amendment....
  13. rebelcowboysnb

    Gun control and the second amendment....

    "No guns for Jews" is worth looking up on youtube. It is not kid friendly so I will not link it here.
  14. rebelcowboysnb

    Gun control and the second amendment....

    Ugh, never mind.
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