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  1. itsjustme


    I got behind again :( but think I'm caught up now. I'm sorry I'm still having problems keeping track of who's who and who posted what and I can't quote so I'm going to do the best I can. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Julie sorry to hear about your predator problem. Its hard to fix when you...
  2. itsjustme


    Jchny- heat rocks and snakes are a bad combination. I can't believe a. Pet shop didn't no that and let her get that many burns. And yes its good she was friendly. Trying to wrestle an aggressive snake that size into anything would be impossible.
  3. itsjustme


    I've managed to catch up and keep up with this thread I think. I wanted to reply to a few but can't quote (stupid phone) and now that I'm here I can't remember who I wanted to reply to. But I wanted to say welcome to the newbies. Sorry to everyone who's had losses lately. The temps have been...
  4. itsjustme


    I no that #. Its the guy I got my peafowl from. I must warn anyone that is thinking of calling this man. He has all kinds of birds. Different breeds of chickens,ducks, turkeys, different color peafowl maybe phesants or quail? I've never went onto his property and left with just what I went for...
  5. itsjustme


    I think I'm all caught up on the posts? I've not been on for some time. I had ask b4 if an old English roo could be the father or my buff orp chicks. I never got a reply ( that I seen) but I'm about positive now that the chicks are older that's not the case what I believe I have is 2 d'anver...
  6. itsjustme


    I don't believe 4h is what it use to be. I have alot of cousins that show a variety of animals and even do scrapbooking photography. Etc. They all are made to take care of their animals themselves and anything they make on meat pen animals goes back towards new animals for the folliwing year if...
  7. itsjustme


    thank you everyone for your suggestions links and making me think of things iv not thought of previously. The hot box is a wire cage. Basically an over sized rabbit hutch. Droppings go straight to the ground. Gnats have been a nightmare! I had not treated the babies. I hadn't noticed them being...
  8. itsjustme


    I I have heard this also but have not had any drown. Lol I have had them since the 29th of may they were about a week old when I got them. I keep them inside in a brooder at night. During the day they are out in a hotbox is what its called but its just an over sized cage with legs. I let them...
  9. itsjustme


    Ok guys I really need some help. I trued posting this in the correct thread but have got 0 replies. I have done tons of reading but am having no luck finding answers. My poults are dying and idk why. Thursday evening I noticed poo that I thought looked odd so after an hour of looking at poo...
  10. itsjustme


    I have 2 and love them. Everything I read about raising them terrified me. I finally just put my big girl britches on and went for it. I bought 2 a year later still have 2 so I done something right. Lol they are very finicky ( my females diva the male my kids call blue I call him drama.) Mine...
  11. itsjustme


    yea that's right in my neighborhood. The first round was horrible that's when I lost power. The second storm sounded worse and looked scary for a bit but didn't have as much wind. I've not been off the property today and didn't no speedway was still out of power. Ours was off for about 4 hours...
  12. itsjustme


    yea that's right in my neighborhood. The first round was horrible that's when I lost power. The second storm sounded worse and looked scary for a bit but didn't have as much wind. I've not been off the property today and didn't no speedway was still out of power. Ours was off for about 4 hours...
  13. itsjustme


    no I hadn't heard how bigfoot got here lol but I did hear he likes to peek in bathroom windows so watch out for that lol I've heard of cave river valley I believe but I've never been. I think id take a panther or bear over wild hogs on my property if I had a choice. Its alot more difficult to...
  14. itsjustme


    no I hadn't heard how bigfoot got here lol but I did hear he likes to peek in bathroom windows so watch out for that lol I've heard of cave river valley I believe but I've never been. I think id take a panther or bear over wild hogs on my property if I had a choice. Its alot more difficult to...
  15. itsjustme


    I keep hearing about the hogs but have never seen them in Williams. I no there are some in. The Leesville area. I can't believe I've not heard about the bear. And bc its not native is why they should do something about it I think. But then again if its not causing problems I guess there's no...
  16. itsjustme


    sorry I keep forgetting I can't quote on just long posts now? Anyways, I read about this on a news site and I can't believe they said they believe the gator to be between 4-6 feet long. And it does not pose a significant threat to the public or pets. Really? I'm not an alligator expert by any...
  17. itsjustme


    I live about a mile off the road at the end of a private lane. There are other houses on my lane but the nearest is 1/4 mile. There are private property no trespassing signs clearly posted at the end if my drive near the main road. But that doesnt stop people. I have cars pull in all the time...
  18. itsjustme


    that is crazy. I'm not sure who she called besides the sanctuary or if she called anyone else. I would like to think that if she had someone else DNR, Sheriffs office someone would have attempted to do something or at least went to investigate set up trail cams something?
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