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  1. Lady K

    calling any one from missouri

    Aww, yeah we hated seeing her lonely, even though I think she was enjoying not being picked on. Out 2 new girls have settled in nicely. So far they are sweet and one likes to lay her head on our shoulders.
  2. Lady K

    calling any one from missouri

    Thank you everyone for the suggestions, we found us 2 Red Sex links and on our way home with them now can't wait to introduce them to our other girl
  3. Lady K

    calling any one from missouri

    Doesn't even have to be from a hatcherie, but we would like them from someone or some place, where they are properly cared for and clean.
  4. Lady K

    calling any one from missouri

    I will check those all out. We were looking at Murry, or something like that, I would have to look it up.
  5. Lady K

    calling any one from missouri

    Hello my fellow Missourians I love reading everyone's posts, we have learned alot here. SO,Wanted to ask if anyone can recommend a place near Kansas City, to find us some more girls, we just lost 2 over the weekend, and our 1 that's left, is seeming a little lost, so we want to find something...
  6. Lady K

    calling any one from missouri

    how do you make sure they don't become egg bound?
  7. Lady K

    calling any one from missouri

    Hello my fellow Missourians Got a question for ya all! Not sure if we should be concerned with one of our girls eggs have looked realm weird the past 2 days, it looks like it is wrinkled (only way I can think to describe it) and then she didn't use the nesting box the other day, she laued her...
  8. Lady K

    calling any one from missouri

    Thanks for the advice everyone, we really appreciate it
  9. Lady K

    calling any one from missouri

    yes, we are moving to Colorado
  10. Lady K

    calling any one from missouri

    Hello all! Has anyone moved with their girls? We are moving 13 hrs away in June and are not sure how to get our girls there, help please.
  11. Lady K

    calling any one from missouri

    Thanks everyone, ya all have been very helpful! So, this newbie has another question :) We was wondering with the temperature dropping, should we put in a small heat bulb? We have 3 hens Buff Orpington, Amerecuna and Rhode Island Red.
  12. Lady K

    calling any one from missouri

    Good morning all! I am new here and just got our girls last night, extremely excited :).. last night my husband and I realized, now that we have them, we have more questions than we thought :) LOL..Like, our garden is next to the run, and want to put tomatoes on the fence line, but read...
  13. Lady K

    calling any one from missouri

    Well we have decided to go with an Orpington, EE and either a Plymouth Rock or Australorp
  14. Lady K

    calling any one from missouri

    Thank you! Happy to be here
  15. Lady K

    calling any one from missouri

    Im in Liberty Mo..getting ready for our first flock
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