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  1. Tootie123

    Heat Lamps

    Mercy to be cold on a motorcycle. I know, chicks will be fine. I guess I am a worry wort. Just want to do right by them and keep them warm....
  2. Tootie123

    Heat Lamps

    Yes, I guess the heat lamp idea is more for my comfort than for the chickens. Feel sorry for my girls when it gets so cold and breezy out there. Thanks for your thoughts.
  3. Tootie123

    Heat Lamps

    I think so too...just overly concerned I guess. Raining here now and 40 some degrees. That is the way it is, get a few days of really chilly 30/20 degree weather then goes back up into the 40/50 and rains. Will save the heat lamp for days when it gets cold and stays cold for any length of time...
  4. Tootie123

    Heat Lamps

    I don't even have the eaves boxed in with lumber let alone vents.... It is wide open between the rafters.....see my delimena. Got to plug those holes up with something.
  5. Tootie123

    Heat Lamps

    The top of the coop area is covered in hardware cloth on the inside so the predators can't get in. But the eves are open. That will be my priority is to get some of those eves blocked off. Don't want to seal it up too tight, got to keep some ventilation I guess.
  6. Tootie123

    Heat Lamps

    Good information about the laying process, am new to chicken business. Am learning a lot. Well have only used heat lamp once, guess it was a couple of nights ago now. Temperature went down in 20's with wind chill in the teens. Sooo....I see the light so to speak. Use heat lamp sparely...
  7. Tootie123

    Heat Lamps

    I do worry about the fire situation. I get up a couple of times a night to make sure shed is not on fire, crazy me.....lamp is position well away from walls and wood. Don't ever notice any condensation on the walls. Litter in coop is about 6-8 inches The shed is probably 8 foot wide and 12-14...
  8. Tootie123

    Heat Lamps

    They do have plenty of food and that is taken care of. Just know that the draft in there has got to be bad. Eves are all open on coop, used to be a garden shed so is not insulated or anything. Thanks for answer though, appreciate it.
  9. Tootie123

    Heat Lamps

    When are heat lamps needed? I live in Atlanta, Georgia and have a flock of 10 chickens....8 of which are about 16 weeks old. We have been getting some cold night here in the South. Temperatures inside the coop have gotten to have got down to 32 degrees are below. Wind chill factor is always a...
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