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  1. mymonkeybug

    Meat birds-they seem poorly bred...

    Life is Good, you seem well knowledged on meat birds so I pose this question to you. If I am paying $12-$14 a bird for a grass fed organic bird at say Whole Foods, will I wind up spending about the same, less, or more by the time all is said and done should I try my hand at raising my own...
  2. mymonkeybug

    Meat birds-they seem poorly bred...

    I guess it just seems to me that so many I have read about are bred to be super fast growers which in turn causes the health issues and if one is trying to eat more natural/organic/healthy then aren't we risking our health putting this gentically tampered with meat into our bodies? I do realize...
  3. mymonkeybug

    Meat birds-they seem poorly bred...

    Can you be more specific as to what you mean regarding the "fend for themselves" part? I would assume they require the same care as a pet bird or egg laying hens? Proper shelter, food, water, ranging time, etc....? Are there other things I haven't any idea on?
  4. mymonkeybug

    Meat birds-they seem poorly bred...

    Have been considering getting meat birds but all this talk about legs breaking and other health issues if allowed to get too old/large has me thinking they are genetic nightmares so why would anyone want to use them for food? Any thoughts on this from meat birders? Are there breeds that...
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