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  1. BYC-user-174785

    Peafowl for 2013

    That reminds my of my Bronze WE peachick that I wanted to imprint and it died after having similar problems as your chick. Mine however was weak from the beginning...I loved that peachick....
  2. BYC-user-174785

    Peafowl for 2013

    Thanks you guys... The thing is we have someone who will buy her (finally no more turkeys!) but they can't pick her up anytime soon.
  3. BYC-user-174785

    Peafowl for 2013

    My last two peachicks out my blackshoulder peacock that died not to long ago have been killed... They hatched under a cochin broody hen that was left with the rest of chickens since she would not sit anywhere else, and our dumb turkey went into the nest and killed the peachicks. I was excited...
  4. BYC-user-174785

    Peafowl for 2013

  5. BYC-user-174785

    Peafowl for 2013

    Congrats! To answer your question about fertility after a peacock drops his train, I did ask a peafowl breeder a while ago and he said they are like chickens. The peahens can store the peacock's sperm for around 2 weeks to a month, and that is also a similar range for long a peacock will...
  6. BYC-user-174785

    Peafowl for 2013

    I don't know, could it be another egg? Did the peahen ever go broody?
  7. BYC-user-174785

    Peafowl for 2013

    Or possibly another egg?
  8. BYC-user-174785

    Peafowl for 2013

    My two year old Blackshoulder Spalding peahen has started her third cycle. I finally understand why you are annoyed with the constant flow of eggs. My peahen hatched seven peachicks and it is adorable seeing them walking around with her.
  9. BYC-user-174785

    Peafowl for 2013

    I have eight eggs due to hatch under my broody peahen in three days! Also there is another lonely egg that is supposed to hatch five days after those eight hatch.
  10. BYC-user-174785

    Peafowl for 2013

    There are four bronze from the first group, and one out of the younger group. I started a thread about the cameo looking one, and it is still the same one that I was asking you about via PM. The thread is called What Color is this Peachick?
  11. BYC-user-174785

    Peafowl for 2013

    Here are the peachick pictures you have been waiting for. Some are of the older group and some of the ones that just hatched.
  12. BYC-user-174785

    Peafowl for 2013

    I have not taken any nice pictures of them yet, but I will do my best. They hatched at the same time as my imprinted peachick that passed away....
  13. BYC-user-174785

    Peafowl for 2013

    I have new peachicks....
  14. BYC-user-174785

    Peafowl for 2013

    The rain is getting really annoying now. Whenever my peacocks try to display with a wet train they break their train feathers. Of course, they choose to stay outside when it rains. The five bronze eggs are due to hatch on Father's Day! Also I will soon be putting up a new thread since I...
  15. BYC-user-174785

    Peafowl for 2013

    Sometimes my hens skip a few days but then start right back up again.
  16. BYC-user-174785

    Peafowl for 2013

    Sonic is a beautiful peahen. You should get her a boyfriend!
  17. BYC-user-174785

    Peafowl for 2013

    Well that's okay! I hope the weather gets better, and your bird's happiness should not be disturbed by some crazy person wanting pictures of them. All I require is that you will get pictures of them sometime on here for us to see. New peas are always exciting!!! *Edited to say weather not...
  18. BYC-user-174785

    Peafowl for 2013

    Congratulations! I still I am eagerly waiting for pictures of my dream birds!
  19. BYC-user-174785

    Peafowl for 2013

    I can't wait to see pictures! You can even post a picture of where there are now, just as long as we can see them! I am assuming that if you hatch peachicks from them that they will be quite pricey, right? Or you could include some Tuape eggs in the egg swap... What color are they similar...
  20. BYC-user-174785

    Peafowl for 2013

    Please post pictures of them when they come!
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