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  1. frenchblackcopper

    Peafowl for 2013

    Start chillin a bottle Friday nite to be ready for sundays creation of life.
  2. frenchblackcopper

    Peafowl for 2013

    More vino? You mean I have missed a shipment?? Darn communist anyway, stealing wine from my mailbox!!!
  3. frenchblackcopper

    Peafowl for 2013

    I am now "camping out" at my mailbox waiting anxiously,,,and waiting and waiting,may have to work in a shave or two but still positive of it's arrival.
  4. frenchblackcopper

    Peafowl for 2013

    2 Bottles of dandelion wine???? AND one with my name and address on it?????
  5. frenchblackcopper

    Peafowl for 2013

    I have eggs in the bator now from Thang started to incubate about 10 days after I noticed an abundance of tail feathers on the ground and candled them tonight and some are still good,going into the hatcher later tonight,,,the last of Thangettes for 2013,,,yooo-hooo!!
  6. frenchblackcopper

    Peafowl for 2013

    I've got 18 eggs collected since Sunday eve so far to go in the bator this Sunday,with 3 more nights of collecting to go here this week.
  7. frenchblackcopper

    Peafowl for 2013

    My Cameo,Bronze,Thang,and Taupe are losing trains now but still collected 9 eggs from pens last night of pens with males trains still nice and long here.Put about 40 in the bator tonight from the past 7 days collecting. We may have one more week here in east central Illinois.
  8. frenchblackcopper

    Peafowl for 2013

    Okay,,,,I'll try and see if my home pc will take pics off the camera card and get some on here.How about a 7 chick lineup,and then you guess who's who? These chicks won't be duplicated next year as I think these 3 IB hens carrying white will be in with my IB B/S male that is getting white eyes...
  9. frenchblackcopper

    Peafowl for 2013

    Pea Palace has still been producing eggs although somewhat slower than 2 weeks ago. Got 9 eggs last night,15 eggs on Sunday nite,12 on Sat eve.Hatched out 3 new little "Thangettes" yesterday.Suprisingly they all have white flights and look like pieds at this stage.But only one more group of...
  10. frenchblackcopper

    Peafowl for 2013

    Flavor of choice?? Inquiring jealous minds wants to know. My next hatch day is another 4 days away,weekend pileup possibly,hopefully.
  11. frenchblackcopper

    Peafowl for 2013

    Kuntrygirl,,,a time for a merlot hatch-a-long???????
  12. frenchblackcopper

    Peafowl for 2013

    You going to tape Blacks left foot? Or is it that way cause he's leaning?
  13. frenchblackcopper

    Peafowl for 2013

    My home puter is in the shop so no pics but our first 2013 chicks are on the ground and running now. Credit goes to Roadtrip as being the first Peacock to sire a hatched chick this year. We have 1 BSSP chick and 3 Midnight B/S chicks that hatched June 4-5th. Not enough for a Merlot hatch-a-long...
  14. frenchblackcopper

    Peafowl for 2013

    Yoda, last season on 3 seperate occassions my Opal b/s hens laid eggs 2 days in a row.2 hens,4 eggs collected in 2 days
  15. frenchblackcopper

    Peafowl for 2013

    kuntrygirl, we have staggered hatches bi-weekly all summer long here,,do not despair,,Merlot moments are good,and the more of them the better!!
  16. frenchblackcopper

    Peafowl for 2013

    Blow out an egg then fill it with hot yellow mustard and them eat away!! That will cure their need for protein
  17. frenchblackcopper

    Peafowl for 2013

    Zaz,,no one here can take pics as great as you. So to even come halfway close to yours my birds needs to be outside on a bright sunny day for good pics,,this weekend they have to go outside so that will be my chance.
  18. frenchblackcopper

    Peafowl for 2013

    Got my Cameo w/e trio today,,woohoo!! One Peach w/e split to pied male to go and x-mas shopping is done for the year.
  19. frenchblackcopper

    Peafowl for 2013

    Blue Creek,,it would be soo nasty to say "April Fools" yes? It's supposed to begin raining here saturday thru next wednesday and the predictions are over 3" of heavy rain at times,,I was going to move them all to their breeding pens over this weekend,especially after tonight seeing my first egg...
  20. frenchblackcopper

    Peafowl for 2013

    Blue Creek Farm,last night it was dark when I brought them inside to their new pen.I kept a lite on all nite because I didn't want them to get FAA clearance and do a header into the roof and break their necks.I checked them this morning before work and all (including the new peach hen) was on...
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