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  1. AuroraDoerksen

    The Duck Thread

    In the process of putting in a duck pond, and my plan was to use sand around the pond, looked at a friends pond and realized that would be a pain since the ducks just bring tons of it into the pool. So figured I would use pea gravel but ended up buying gravel AND this rubber mulch stuff. Should...
  2. AuroraDoerksen

    The Duck Thread

    I took home a pair of 10 month old Saxony yesterday. I noticed the female sort of limping on and off today and upon further examination of her foot I found what looks to be two bumblefoot infections on each foot. I would post pictures but for some reason I haven't been able to get that function...
  3. AuroraDoerksen

    The Duck Thread

    I would like the link! What exactly do you ferment? I bought a bunch a grains and what not in hopes to make my own duck feed using Storeys method but sadly couldn't find some of the ingredients. Would be very interested in mixing my own and fermenting!
  4. AuroraDoerksen

    The Duck Thread

    I don't want the white as it is not the color outlined by the Standard of Perfection. I could order some Hookbills from the states. But I can't find anyone who even has Aylesbury to get starting birds from :(
  5. AuroraDoerksen

    The Duck Thread

    I want to start breeding a duck breed that has either been listed in the critical or threatened status by the Livestock Conservancy. Wondering if it is a good idea or not? I am really interested in the Aylesbury but have had zero luck finding any starting birds. Dutch hookbill intrigue me but I...
  6. AuroraDoerksen

    The Duck Thread

    Would you insulate a man door going into your duck house? The duck doors won't be insulated so that's why I'm wondering if it's worth the hassle? Thank you
  7. AuroraDoerksen

    The Duck Thread

    I am hoping to make my ducklings some duck grower this weekend. As I have failed to find meat and bone meal this is what I will be using Cracked yellow corn Soybean meal Alfalfa pellets Oyster shells Powdered skim milk Brewers yeast What else should I add!? Should I just get a vitamin...
  8. AuroraDoerksen

    The Duck Thread

    Decided I would like to try to mix my own growers rations following Storeys recipe. Anyone else ever done this? I can't seem to find meat and bone meal!
  9. AuroraDoerksen

    The Duck Thread

    The breeder I bought my ducklings from told me a 5lb bag of starter should last for two weeks for 10 ducklings. It's been a week and one day and I'm pretty much finished with the bag. Should I buy another bag of starter or just switch to grower? He told me to only feed them the starter for two...
  10. AuroraDoerksen

    The Duck Thread

    My friend and I just got our ducklings!! We both got pine shavings but they are trying to eat them so we covered them with doggy pads for now. Will they stop trying to eat them? Should we get rid of the shavings all together? Thanks. :)
  11. AuroraDoerksen

    The Duck Thread

    They will only be a day or two old. So hopefully it is alright!!
  12. AuroraDoerksen

    The Duck Thread

    Picking up my ducklings this weekend! Will they need a heat source for the drive home? It will be about a 40 minute drive. Thanks!
  13. AuroraDoerksen

    The Duck Thread

    What is the best method to provide heat for ducklings?
  14. AuroraDoerksen

    The Duck Thread

    How high should I hang my feeders off the ground for medium weight breeds?
  15. AuroraDoerksen

    The Duck Thread

    What does everyone use for duck feed? Once my ducklings are off of chick starter I want to know how to proceed. Thanks! :)
  16. AuroraDoerksen

    The Duck Thread

    wow thanks so much for the thorough reply! So Brewers yeast is a niacin supplement then? And what about grit? Do they need that pretty much from day one? Thank you so much again!
  17. AuroraDoerksen

    The Duck Thread

    Okay so how long does everyone feed there ducklings chick starter? And what am I supposed to switch them too once they are done that? I have heard I need to supplement the feed but what with! Any help will be appreciated greatly!
  18. AuroraDoerksen

    The Duck Thread

    I am getting my first ducks in a few weeks. Actually first poultry ever, always wanted chickens but now that I have the acreage and having done a little research I figure ducks are the way to go for me! :) I am getting 10, 4 Cayuga, 4 Buff, and 2 Swedish. I just started building the house/run...
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