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  1. NewToChix

    The Duck Thread

    Here are Scott and "Qack-Qack" growing up! They are a ton of fun, but not so friendly anymore. We know we have one female for sure, but not sure about the KC. Does she look female?
  2. NewToChix

    The Duck Thread

    Question about the ducklings... We have decided to use a very deep dog house as their pen. It is already set up and has a ramp going from ground to platform then from platform to pen. It is approx. 2 1/2 feet off the ground. We were going to put bumpers or like netting on the sides of the...
  3. NewToChix

    The Duck Thread

    Here is a quick photo of the ducklings. The first the KC and the second the one we got yesterday. Don't mind the wall color - it was a failed attempt at a boy's room. Now it is a duck room. Haha.
  4. NewToChix

    The Duck Thread

    Yeah, me too. I just couldn't That little one was too sweet. Our cuddle session didn't help it any! Too cute. So yeah, I am looking forward to having them. Once I charge the camera, I will get a ton of pics :) I'll post some.
  5. NewToChix

    The Duck Thread

    Yeah. They were "talking" to each other when I put them together. All perked up. Then when I came back they were laying by the water cuddling. Think it seems good. The other duckling sure sits around a lot. Lazy, I guess.
  6. NewToChix

    The Duck Thread

    We are suckers. Just went and got a friend from the same lady that we got our chickens. Appleyard/ Welsh harlequin mix...? Looks like the baby mallard only bigger.
  7. NewToChix

    The Duck Thread

    Thanks. It was the mallard baby. The wild one.
  8. NewToChix

    The Duck Thread

    I have no idea. This morning it was fine. Went in there and saw it was stuck in the corner with the neck hanging back over the back and kind of to the side. Looked nearly dead. Picked it up and it started chirping and opened its eyes. Then I set it down and noticed that it's legs were splayed...
  9. NewToChix

    The Duck Thread

    HELP!!! Ducling cant walk. fliping on its back and the head and neck are ...nm. Just died in my hands.
  10. NewToChix

    The Duck Thread

    Oh okay! Freak out over. He did a lot of swimming in the tub today and eats like he is ravenous. Thank you!!
  11. NewToChix

    The Duck Thread

    I have a question - the KC duckling we bought from the hatchery has started doing something kind of like gagging today...? It doesn't make any sound. Just opens up it's beak and sort of pushes its little head forward. Seems like gagging to me. I was wondering if it was panting, but I would think...
  12. NewToChix

    The Duck Thread

    Haha, thanks. He does too! We went to a local hatchery and got a khaki campbell duckling for a playmate. I have to say, 2 days and I am a duck lover.
  13. NewToChix

    The Duck Thread

    Wow, thanks for all the info everybody! Great pics too. Sorry you lost some to bobcats! Poor little guys. 'Tis the life of a bird owner, I guess. We are going to go pick up another duckling for company for him. Should we do another Mallard? Also, it won't matter if it is male or female, will it...
  14. NewToChix

    The Duck Thread

    ....and WOW, they carry a lot of diseases! Yikes. I also rubbed him with some food grade DE in case he had any bugs on him.
  15. NewToChix

    The Duck Thread

    Thank you Miss Lydia! We do not have a heat lamp but keeping the room a steady 90 degrees. Is that going to work just as well at keeping him warm?
  16. NewToChix

    The Duck Thread

    Hey there! New to the duck thread. We found a little duckling wandering around outside without any other ducks in sight. I caught him and brought him inside. We have him in a tote with pine bedding, starter, water, and the temp in there around 85 degrees as I saw they needed to stay very warm...
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