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  1. macgro7

    The Duck Thread

    As long as they are waterfowl I'm fine with them lol I keep geese myself too They are vermeer you different kind of birds though. Let not forget it. I get slightly annoyed when I see articles about "feeding ducks and geese". Natural food of ducks is mainly insects, snails, slugs while geese eat...
  2. macgro7

    The Duck Thread

    They are lovely but you do realise they are geese NOT ducks?
  3. macgro7

    The Duck Thread

    What do you mean she's in the dog crate? Pekins are unlikely to sit for the entire incubation. Eggs are layered?!?! They have to be in one level otherwise they will not be heated equally. The bottom ones will rot and might spoil the others
  4. macgro7

    The Duck Thread

    It's really simple - do they quack? If they quack when you grab them then they are girls otherwise boys. Curly feathers are not a guarantee as they could be moulting or broken off.
  5. macgro7

    The Duck Thread

    those are lovely beautiful GOSLINGS. NOT DUCKLINGS
  6. macgro7

    The Duck Thread

    Khaki Campbell. Does it quack? If not, looking at its head colour, I would say it's a boy.
  7. macgro7

    The Duck Thread

    They are definitely muscovies. Black spot on their heads might disappear after their adult molt and they will be so called French white utility type muscovy.
  8. macgro7

    The Duck Thread

    When you peel and see blood, stop peeling and let it dry out.
  9. macgro7

    The Duck Thread

    You know, theres some people who rear mallard commercially and release them into the wild in autumn for hunting. You might actually phone RSPB to ask them how to rear then in such a way that you can release them into the wild when they are big enough
  10. macgro7

    The Duck Thread

    First of all he shouldn't have taken them in the first place. Their mum was most likely nearby! You can raise wild mallards just like domestic ducks. Loads of people do that RSPB advice on nesting mallards...
  11. macgro7

    The Duck Thread

    My ducks LOVE spaghetti! I think it's their favourite food lol
  12. macgro7

    The Duck Thread

    They are lighter in colour as well. Perhaps Rouen Clair?
  13. macgro7

    The Duck Thread

    Those are definitelly not Saxony. Rouen I would say.
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