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  1. tonisummers

    The Duck Thread

    He seems to be doing a lot better. I think he just filled himself up on water for some reason. His walking is better now as well. I don't understand it! Just happy he's doing well. Does anyone know when it's time to take the heating light out of their cage? Or should I wait until more adult...
  2. tonisummers

    The Duck Thread

    I feed him dumor starter feed with quik chik in their water
  3. tonisummers

    The Duck Thread

    Hello everyone. I was wondering if his chest looking like this is normal?? It seems abnormally large today. He's also sort of stumbling a little and sleeping while standing up which is all new behavior. His brothers is nowhere near the size of him, I'm worried about him I can't lose another baby.
  4. tonisummers

    The Duck Thread

    Yes I did contact them. But I didn't get much help, since my little one died in the night.
  5. tonisummers

    The Duck Thread

    I put some antibacterial ointment on where the wound was. I can't see it because of all his fluff, but he also seems to be growing a lot slower than the others. By far. I'm worried since he's the one that's had problems. He seems to not want to walk, and he puts his head down at times and...
  6. tonisummers

    The Duck Thread

    What kind of antibiotics would be best? I don't want to give him anything too strong.
  7. tonisummers

    The Duck Thread

    He seems to be doing a little better. However I'm still very worried. The gash isn't deep, i don't think. But he doesn't like for me to pick him up. I don't want to disturb him he doesn't seem like he wants to be touched. He's eating and drinking regularly. He's standing and walking with a...
  8. tonisummers

    The Duck Thread

    Hey everyone. So my sister accidentally let one of my 3 three week old ducklings out of their brooder. While he was roaming through the house my cat had bit into his little chest area and I found him and swooped him up right away before my cat could do any more harm. He was panicking at first...
  9. tonisummers

    The Duck Thread

    Hello everyone, so I recently got three new ducklings. I have started them on quik chik, and niacin. Is t okay that I am giving them both? I just want to be sure that they are super healthy. Also, I have dumor 24% food for them, and I was curious if there are better feeds I should look into? And...
  10. tonisummers

    The Duck Thread

    Thanks again for all of your help, but little Milo just passed away. He started flailing his little head then just stopped moving. He was blinking and breathing and his heart beating forabout five minutes, then just stopped... ;(
  11. tonisummers

    The Duck Thread

    There's a doctor here that's an actual avian specialist, but he's very rough with my grown duck so I couldn't image how he would be with the baby. He's not the greatest toward the pets or the owners for that matter. But he does have a degree with birds. There's two other vets that see ducks here...
  12. tonisummers

    The Duck Thread

    Also,he can't stand he falls over on his back..
  13. tonisummers

    The Duck Thread

    Someone on another thread told me to put him in the water and move his legs around a bit. Well I tried that...and he wouldn't move his legs. After that he started dropping his head and seeming like he couldn't handle it. Now he's sitting in my hands wanting to keep warm and squealing. Please...
  14. tonisummers

    The Duck Thread

    So I'd use that much per gallon of water, or?
  15. tonisummers

    The Duck Thread

    I'm actually on my way to tractor supply to get save a chik and nutri drench? Should I instead get those two? I've heard all four. I just want the one with the best result
  16. tonisummers

    The Duck Thread

    Yes he's still eating and drinking and pooping. There's not a problem there
  17. tonisummers

    The Duck Thread

    Hello all, so I recently got two baby ducklings from Mcmuarry Hatchery. One a Buff, and the other a Cayuga. The Cayuga passed away after two days, so they're sending me replacements. Well, the buff duckling, Milo, has been super entergetic and full of life and always chirping. He's a blast. But...
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