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  1. Hillschicks

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    thats probably true as far as the eggs getting pale as they get older... ya never know with the first bunch of eggs tho, thats when most of the soft shells and other wonky eggs come out... reguardless, congrats on her first egg :)
  2. Hillschicks

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Give her time.. she is new at the whole egg laying thing... It wouldnt suprise me at all if they started to darken up a bit... As i understand it all eggs reguardless of the chicken start out as white and get color added just before being laid... Dont forget some layer feed
  3. Hillschicks

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Understandable... The chickens are actually my girls "pets" ... To me they are a hobby and a reason to build things lol
  4. Hillschicks

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    We have a ladder roost... There isnt much fighting for the top... They all understand which high ranking chickens get the top rung... All they care is they like to roost higher up than they nest... In my experience anyway Those are 2 of our meyer birds eating out of the feeder i made
  5. Hillschicks

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    So whats the deal with the "meal maker" ... Im thinking about throwing one in with my spring order... So basically ya just get an extra chicken and give the eggs away??? Thats what we do anyway is give eggs away... We just enjoy chickens and our dozen cost hardly anything to feed especially free...
  6. Hillschicks

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    1. Duke - Buff Brahma Standard Cockerel 2. Barb - Barred Rock Both 4 months old from meyer
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