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  1. celticgarden

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Maybe frostbite "scars." Have they lived through a winter yet?
  2. celticgarden

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Moved my Meyer chicks (received Sep 17th) out to a pop up greenhouse. Covered a large pepper plant with it too so the chicks have a jungle to run around in. So far I can recommend this approach. They are locked into a large plastic dog kennel at night (with their ecoglow). So funny to see...
  3. celticgarden

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Congratulations! Just got mine today from Meyer, pics here:
  4. celticgarden

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Love the Golden Campines photos. Congrats on the new eggs! Well, just got a call from Meyer that my 8 broiler chicks won't be available week of the 23rd. I'll have to call them back to reschedule...or cancel. Wonder what happened?
  5. celticgarden

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Well, am biting my nails as far as set up. We are on 0.4 acres. Also trying to do everything inexpensively, cost of living seems to keep going up. But it has to look "Protestant" as my Scottish husband would say. And for good reason, I don't want to drag the neighborhood down. They could...
  6. celticgarden

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Ended up adding a RIR chick to my Sep 16th order. Hoping for a calm personality. Then placed an order for the following week for 8 broiler Roos and a buff laced polish. Chickens are an expensive but rewarding hobby for me! Spent today working on my run, expanding it and building a compost...
  7. celticgarden

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    I'm expecting an order of 4 chicks from Meyer around Sept 18th. Looking forward to it. Two French copper Marans, one Spitzhauben and a Dominique. This will add to my year old layer flock of 1 buff orp, 2 black austrolorps (sp? LOL) 1 gold laced Wyandot, an EE, 1 blue hamburg, a sultan and a...
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