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  1. farmgirl2007

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Here are the chicks, they have made their debut! The barred rocks. EE's (one is named puffy) Golden Buffs (one was the meyer meal maker) Two black Silkies, the smaller is named Lucky Last but not least, the BA's They are growing fast!!!
  2. farmgirl2007

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    And here I was trying to figure out what it could be, feeling naive the whole time! That's funny
  3. farmgirl2007

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    What's around this lady's wings? I'm new to chickens haha
  4. farmgirl2007

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Alright here they are! We got them in about 8 AM and I had to go pick them up because farmguy had to work boooooo.... So I feel odd doing all this but I think I did okay.... we did lose two silkies (I think); they were DOA. Sad but we have 14 other chickies! And they all look happy and...
  5. farmgirl2007

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    I just now got caught up in the drama and even told farmguy that you didn't get your chicks, he's like no we already looked at them earlier, and I realized I had two more pages left to read! I don't really get on the internet all the time. I'm so so so happy for you NN I would be devastated if...
  6. farmgirl2007

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Farmguy has had chickens before, but I'm just a city girl who's excited to check this out! I love animals and think this will be a rewarding experience. What are the things you like most about owning chickens?
  7. farmgirl2007

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Okay here's our brooder! Farmguy did it all by himself isn't that great! He is amazing, that's why I'm marrying him, haha.
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