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  1. ducksliketoswim

    Creepy emu problem

    LOLOL I feel penelope's pain! They just cant take a hint!
  2. ducksliketoswim

    Creepy emu problem

    LOL She'd totally have her way with me! I'd feel so violated!
  3. ducksliketoswim

    Creepy emu problem

    @ gryeyes and kacklinkelly- Im glad my emu problems could amuse you haha. I guess it is pretty funny when you think about it, it scared me to death when she first started doing it though! I thought she was getting ready to attack me or something... @yinepu So maybe at the end of spring if its...
  4. ducksliketoswim

    Creepy emu problem

    lol I guess my new best friend is an emu named melon , But just to be clear, when exactly should this bevavior stop? And I havent asked them if they were planning on getting more or not yet, I just wanted some advice to prepare myself for next time I have to clean their exibit.
  5. ducksliketoswim

    Creepy emu problem

    Quote: LOL
  6. ducksliketoswim

    Creepy emu problem

    They are sitting with their behinds on the ground and scooting forward, is that a mating behavior? I didnt know it was the females that made noise, do females crawl like that as well?
  7. ducksliketoswim

    Creepy emu problem

    So I was in charge of cleaning the emu exibit at a local zoo a couple days ago and found out why everyone hates cleaning the emu exibit, it turns out the male emus try to mate with everyone that goes into there exibits. Its extremely creepy, they start crawling up behind you and making a loud...
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