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  1. DURR

    Hey Georgia! Show Your Spirit: Let's Get Half a Million Views!

    Lol it takes time but she'll lay! Some girls can take up to over a year to begin laying. :)
  2. DURR

    Hey Georgia! Show Your Spirit: Let's Get Half a Million Views!

    She's fine then she may be getting ready to lay. My hens do that mostly while they sun bathe and dust themselves. She still looks a little young due to her pinkish face. ;) she'll lay in due time.
  3. DURR

    Hey Georgia! Show Your Spirit: Let's Get Half a Million Views!

    Well not to sure my hens act normal not sluggish when they do this. Was she "squatting"? Or was she just being sluggish like she was out of energy? Is she eating and drinking fine?
  4. DURR

    Hey Georgia! Show Your Spirit: Let's Get Half a Million Views!

    They'll be extremly talkative, cackleing and bawking it's hard to discribe. If you watch her closely when she acts that way she'll venture in and out of the nest box(s) and pant somewhat. This is the behavior that my girls do. Yes I know I have too much free time haha!
  5. DURR

    Hey Georgia! Show Your Spirit: Let's Get Half a Million Views!

    I'm not sure on age but she don't look like she's too far off from laying! She'll probably start right around when spring starts in! Listen to her closely for an egg song that'll give you an answer. My American Game Fowl Pullet was singing this morning so hopefully I'll get an egg off her soon! :)
  6. DURR

    Hey Georgia! Show Your Spirit: Let's Get Half a Million Views!

    Lol if you have pictures I can judge a bit better. And how old are they?
  7. DURR

    Hey Georgia! Show Your Spirit: Let's Get Half a Million Views!

    Yep the color of their skin around their eye's and their wattles and comb will be a bright deep red as they get closer to laying. :)
  8. DURR

    Hey Georgia! Show Your Spirit: Let's Get Half a Million Views!

    Lol my girls are spoiled rotten and only lay after I feed them their morning rations of Feed. Haha. They get fresh greens and other healthier snacks. :) but your girls will lay soon enough! Are their faces getting dark red?
  9. DURR

    Hey Georgia! Show Your Spirit: Let's Get Half a Million Views!

    Yep got some girls that haven't laid yet, some that are just starting, and a few that are laying queens! Though currently they have gone on strike due to all this nasty weather ugh!
  10. DURR

    Hey Georgia! Show Your Spirit: Let's Get Half a Million Views!

    I use a bucket in bucket system. One bucket with holes drilled in it and set in another bucket ( 5 gal ). I place just enough feed to feed a few times and replace what I've used with fresh feed as I take out. Make sure your grains are covered with water about a half inch over them. With layer...
  11. DURR

    Hey Georgia! Show Your Spirit: Let's Get Half a Million Views!

    :) my chickens are pretty clean birds. They usually scratch their poo into the ground in their "coop". But they are easy keepers. Try fermenting their scratch/feed it helps to make their poo stiffer and easier to clean up. Not to mention it is more nutritional. :) my birds love it! And just so...
  12. DURR

    Hey Georgia! Show Your Spirit: Let's Get Half a Million Views!

    I recently acquired these guys in September of last year so this is my first time raising or caring for chickens; the neighbors moved and left them behind to fend for themselves. But they are just starting to get used to me good and are growing less flighty when I enter our make shift coop lol...
  13. DURR

    Hey Georgia! Show Your Spirit: Let's Get Half a Million Views!

    Chiming in from Screven, Ga!! I have a small flock of 11 EE's and one EE and Silkie cross!! :D
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