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  1. TarheelBirdy

    Have Chickens, but still want Guinea

    They're quiet at night, unless something disturbs them. The boys make a loud chattering noise.
  2. TarheelBirdy

    Have Chickens, but still want Guinea

    As loud as peacocks for sure, and more often. Where peacocks call occasionally, guineas fuss a lot.......sometimes ongoing, very loud noise.
  3. TarheelBirdy

    Have Chickens, but still want Guinea

    Guineas specialize in "shaking things up..." but in a good way. We have 35 acres, but the chickens only range on about 7 of it on any given day. The guineas range out further....although they "check in" at the house/barn many times a day. They know where the chickens get their scratch feed...
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