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  1. gg706

    Roo Behavior Question

    What was he sick with? Make sure it is not something he is a "carrier" of and heals himself and then exposes your hens to the sickness. If the germ is something new to your hens it could be disastrous!
  2. gg706

    Roo Behavior Question

    My rooster is about a year. He has always been gentlemanly, other than fake treating sometimes. My hens may have a few ruffled feathers after but no torn up areas or bald patches.
  3. gg706

    Roo Behavior Question

    I have seen the eggs as I am cooking and they seem to be hit or miss. Some have the bullseye and some do not. Now, just so happened the week before my hen went broody the weather was terrible so i did not let them out to range all day everyday, so I am sure the rooster "caught" them for a few...
  4. gg706

    Roo Behavior Question

    I am very hopefully he has caught them a couple of times as I now have a broody sitting on eggs! They are due to hatch tomorrow! So I guess I will find out. So excited and crossing my fingers at least a few will hatch out. My broody is only a year old and has been VERY dedicated to her clutch...
  5. gg706

    Roo Behavior Question

    My rooster "fake treats" sometimes makes me MAD! Other than that he is a great rooster! NONE of my hens want anything to do with him he chases them all morning but never catches any of them. I have always wondered why the hens don't like him and have thought about getting another roo...
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