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  1. seminolewind

    Roo Behavior Question

    gg706, cracking open the eggs for cooking and getting an idea of fertility is the best way to go prior to incubating. With candling, your best bet is after 7 days. Deerlady, with that roo, it's best when the hens can bully him a bit., LOL. Mine was added later and the poor thing used to...
  2. seminolewind

    Roo Behavior Question

    You know, you can check a few eggs before they go in the bator. I crack a few open so I can see if they're fertile or not. And my broody just hatched 2, and I candled them at one week- I just go out at night and reach under her and get an egg out. So cute!
  3. seminolewind

    Roo Behavior Question

    You'd be surprised who he's catching when you're not around!
  4. seminolewind

    Roo Behavior Question

    A roo should not be doing that. My roo pecks at a select few, but not every day. I guess it depends on how old your roo is. I would think at 6 months old, he should be good. What i did once is separate the roo for a few months, and when I let him out again he was the perfect roo. The roo...
  5. seminolewind

    Roo Behavior Question

    I think that's what's going on. I'm noticing that the Ameraucana is sticking to his side, and the JG's were probably not letting him. How funny!
  6. seminolewind

    Roo Behavior Question

    Let me know if yours starts to behave himself and I'll let you know, LOL I have a few roos in pens and when the hens come up to the side of the pen, they actually drop what they have in front of them!!! So sweet.
  7. seminolewind

    Roo Behavior Question

    I think you've got it!
  8. seminolewind

    Roo Behavior Question

    I've always see my roosters in the past take treats and drop them for the girls. This one gobbles up the treats (scratch not really spread around) with the hens, and often I see him peck some of the hens away, especially 1 of my Jersey hens, and an Ameraucana . The Jersey won't approach the...
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